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    Changes in Cytochrome-C-Oxidase account for changes in attenuation of near-infrared light in the healthy infant brain

    Siddiqui, M.F. and Lloyd-Fox, Sarah and Kaynezhad, P and Tachtsidis, I and Johnson, Mark H. and Elwell, C.E. (2018) Changes in Cytochrome-C-Oxidase account for changes in attenuation of near-infrared light in the healthy infant brain. In: Thews, O. and LaManna, J.C. and Harrison, D.K. (eds.) Oxygen Transport to Tissue XL. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1072 1072. Springer, pp. 7-12. ISBN 9783319912851.

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    A novel multi-wavelength broadband near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) system has been employed to simultaneously measure haemodynamic changes alongside changes in cellular oxygen utilization by measurement of oxidation state of mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome-c-oxidase (oxCCO). The aim of this study was to investigate the role of oxCCO in neural responses to functional activation in infants. Studies were performed using a NIRS broadband system in 33 typically developing infants aged between 4 and 6 months. Responses were recorded over the right temporal lobe while infants were presented with engaging videos containing social and non-social content. Changes in the concentration of oxyhaemoglobin (Δ[HbO ]), deoxyhaemoglobin (Δ[HHb]) and Δ[oxCCO] were calculated using changes in attenuation of light at 120 wavelengths between 780 and 900 nm using the UCLn algorithm. The algorithm was also used to fit (a) HbO and HHb spectra (2 component fit) and (b) HbO , HHb and oxCCO (3 component fit) to the change in attenuation occurring within an experimental block in different participants. Residuals resulting from these two fits were compared with oxidized-minus reduced CCO spectrum, calculated using the CCO specific extinction coefficient. A significant increase in oxCCO was found in response to the social stimuli (maximum increase 0.238 ± 0.13 μM). Residuals analysis showed that the best fits were achieved when oxCCO was included as a tissue chromophore. These results are the first reported significant change in oxCCO to stimulus-evoked activation in infants and may reveal vital information about oxygen metabolism during functional activation in the developing human brain.


    Item Type: Book Section
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Science > School of Psychological Sciences
    Research Centres and Institutes: Brain and Cognitive Development, Centre for (CBCD)
    SWORD Depositor: Mr Joe Tenant
    Depositing User: Mr Joe Tenant
    Date Deposited: 01 Oct 2018 10:24
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 17:44


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