--- layout: post status: publish published: true title: What is it like to publish in the journal 'Neo-Victorian Studies'? wordpress_id: 2840 wordpress_url: https://www.martineve.com/?p=2840 date: !binary |- MjAxMy0wOS0wMSAxMTozNjoyMSArMDIwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMy0wOS0wMSAxMDozNjoyMSArMDIwMA== categories: - Literature - Open Access - Academia tags: - Open Access - review comments: [] ---

Short answer: very good.

This publication, in its sixth volume at the time of writing, is a scholar-led, open-access journal focusing on the "neo-Victorian" period, be that in literature or culture. As can be seen from the data below, I had a relatively quick publication experience with the journal. I had two reviews returned within a very reasonable period and publication followed not too long thereafter. The journal uses a traditional "issue" format, rather than rolling, so there are delays while an issue comes together.

An aspect of note in this experience was the degree of extremely high-quality editorial feedback that I received. Beyond the anonymous reviews, I then had 3(?) different editors suggesting multiple rounds of changes and improvements, not just in terms of writing and structure, but also in terms of other aspects of content. This was invaluable and vastly improved the piece.

The journal is, apparently, digitally preserved by Swansea University according to a discussion I had with the editor. It would be good if, in future, this were publicly displayed, though. I also did ask for a more permissive license (CC-BY), but the editors weren't keen. This might change if HEFCE mandates in future, I suppose.

Journal and Submission Stats

Submission date: 28th March 2013
Review feedback date: 7th May 2013 (41 days)
Publication date: 30th September 2013 (4 months after acceptance)
Number of reviewers: 2
Open access (gratis): Yes
Open access (libre): CC-BY-NC-ND
DOI numbers: No
Digital preservation: Handled by Swansea University according to editorial correspondence