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    The end of secularization in Europe? A socio-demographic perspective

    Kaufmann, Eric P. and Skirbekk, V. and Goujon, A. (2012) The end of secularization in Europe? A socio-demographic perspective. Sociology of Religion 73 (1), pp. 69-91. ISSN 1069-4404.

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    Much of the current debate over secularization in Europe focuses only on the direction of religious change, and pays exclusive attention to social causes. Scholars have been less attentive to shifts in the rate of religious decline, and to the role of demography – notably fertility and immigration. This article addresses both phenomena. It uses data from the European Values Surveys and European Social Survey for the period 1981-2008 to establish basic trends in religious attendance and belief across the ten countries that have been consistently surveyed. These show that religious decline is mainly occurring in Catholic European countries and has effectively ceased among post-1945 birth cohorts in six northwestern European societies where secularization began early. It also provides a cohort component projection of religious affiliation for two European countries using fertility, migration, switching and age and sex-structure parameters derived from census and immigration data. These suggest that western Europe may be more religious at the end of our century than at its beginning.


    Item Type: Article
    Keyword(s) / Subject(s): Sociology of religion, projections, switching, religious decline, religious demography
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences
    Depositing User: Eric Kaufmann
    Date Deposited: 11 Jul 2012 13:44
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 16:57


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