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    Interning and investing: rethinking unpaid work, social capital and the “Human Capital Regime”

    Hope, Sophie and Figiel, J. (2015) Interning and investing: rethinking unpaid work, social capital and the “Human Capital Regime”. Triple C: Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society 13 (2), ISSN 1726-670X.

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    For young workers, interning is a strategy for speculating on one’s asset portfolio. Students and graduates undertake internships as a way of maintaining their self-appreciation and avoiding depreciation in a “human capital regime.” In this article, we explore the specific example of interning in the creative industries as the self-management of human capital vis a vis the human capital theses. Taking three cultural objects and recent representations of the issue of unpaid internships—Intern magazine, an advert for a “volunteering opportunity” student placement, and testimonies from interns—we analyze how unpaid work in the creative industries and the neoliberal version of human capital entrepreneurship can be seen as embodied by interns.


    Item Type: Article
    Keyword(s) / Subject(s): internships, human capital, employability, unpaid work, policy
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Creative Arts, Culture and Communication
    Research Centres and Institutes: Birkbeck Interdisciplinary Research in Media and Culture (BIRMAC) (Closed)
    Depositing User: Sophie Hope
    Date Deposited: 09 Oct 2015 14:33
    Last Modified: 09 Aug 2023 12:36


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