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    Identifying effective processes for assessing competence and managing underperformance

    McDowall, Almuth and Inceoglu, I. and Avery, R. and Akinci, C. (2014) Identifying effective processes for assessing competence and managing underperformance. Technical Report. College of Policing. (Unpublished)

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    The Winsor Report, published in 2012, was concerned (in Volume 2) with staff remuneration and conditions, and made specific recommendations about a number of areas needing improvement in policing concerned the introduction of assessment of competence through skills threshold tests. In order to underpin future activities with relevant evidence, the objectives of this research were to address the following questions to map relevant literature: 1. What are effective models and techniques for assessing competence? 2. What are effective models and techniques for identifying underperformance? 3. What are effective models and techniques for managing underperformance? 4. What are the factors associated with effective implementation and on-going monitoring of these models/techniques to ensure compliance? This review was undertaken by a research team at the University of Surrey, commissioned by the College of Policing, from August to November 2013. The brief was to conduct a Rapid Evidence Assessment on assessing competence effectively, as well as underperformance, and finding out how both good performance and underperformance are managed effectively at the individual, as opposed to organisational, level. The brief also requested expert interviews to complement the systematic literature review with experts within academia and practice and across different sectors. The College specifically asked to focus on experts in law enforcement, health/medicine and education, to elicit perspectives from sectors which are currently focusing or have previously focused on the assessment and validation of competence.


    Item Type: Monograph (Technical Report)
    Additional Information: This report was not published in the open domain due to its content and focus. Please contact me directly for further information.
    Keyword(s) / Subject(s): performance, competence, under-performance, affirmation, ratings, bias
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Science > School of Psychological Sciences
    Depositing User: Almuth Mcdowall
    Date Deposited: 27 Jan 2016 15:51
    Last Modified: 07 Aug 2023 16:10


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