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    Individual differences in the use of colloquial vocabulary: the effects of sociobiographical and psychological factors

    Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2004) Individual differences in the use of colloquial vocabulary: the effects of sociobiographical and psychological factors. In: Bogaards, P. and Laufer, B. (eds.) Learning Vocabulary in a Second Language: Selection, Acquisition and Testing. Amsterdam, UK: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 127-153. ISBN 9789027217097.

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    The eleven chapters of Vocabulary in a Second Language are written by the world’s leading researchers in the field of vocabulary studies in second language acquisition. Each chapter presents experimental research leading to new conclusions about and insights into the selection, the learning and teaching, or the testing of vocabulary knowledge in foreign languages. This book is intended as an up-to-date overview of the important domain of the lexicon for researchers in the field of second language acquisition, teacher trainers and professional teachers of second or foreign languages.


    Item Type: Book Section
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Creative Arts, Culture and Communication
    Depositing User: Sarah Hall
    Date Deposited: 16 Jun 2016 13:12
    Last Modified: 09 Aug 2023 12:38


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