--- layout: post status: publish published: true title: C# MemoryManagement Class wordpress_id: 253 wordpress_url: http://pro.grammatic.org/post-c-memorymanagement-class-49.aspx date: !binary |- MjAwOC0wNy0wNiAxMjo1MjozMCArMDIwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAwOC0wNy0wNiAxMjo1MjozMCArMDIwMA== categories: - Technology - .NET tags: - .NET - C# - pInvoke - pointers comments: [] ---

Well, first off, this is the first post using the new blogging solution! Let's hope it works!

I'm presenting here a low level memory management class I wrote for C# that allows you to pass an IntPtr and then manipulate the bytes inside as indexers of an array (of the MemoryManager object).

{% highlight csharp %} using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Switch { public class MemoryManager { public IntPtr mmPtr = IntPtr.Zero; public byte this[int index] { get { return Marshal.ReadByte(mmPtr, index); } set { Marshal.WriteByte(mmPtr, index, value); } } public byte[] this[int startindex, int endindex] { get { byte[] ret = new byte[endindex - startindex]; for (int y = startindex; y < endindex; y++) { ret[y - startindex] = Marshal.ReadByte(mmPtr, y); } return ret; } set { for (int y = startindex; y < endindex; y++) { Marshal.WriteByte(mmPtr, y, value[y - startindex]); } } } public void SubtractInt(int index, uint value) { Byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(((uint)(Marshal.ReadInt32(mmPtr, index))) - value); Marshal.WriteByte(mmPtr, index, bytes[0]); Marshal.WriteByte(mmPtr, index + 1, bytes[1]); Marshal.WriteByte(mmPtr, index + 2, bytes[2]); Marshal.WriteByte(mmPtr, index + 3, bytes[3]); } public int WriteStringToMemory(string s, int offset) { int writtenCount = 0; for (int charByteCount = 0; charByteCount < s.Length; charByteCount++) { Byte[] charConverted = BitConverter.GetBytes(s[charByteCount]); Marshal.WriteByte(mmPtr, charByteCount + offset, charConverted[0]); writtenCount++; } return writtenCount; } public MemoryManager(IntPtr start) { mmPtr = start; } public static string plainText(IntPtr buffer, bool changePlain) { string ret = string.Empty; for (int y = 0; y < 64; y++) { Byte b = Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, (y == 0 && changePlain ? 60 : y)); if (b == 0x80) return ret; ret += (char)b; } return ret; } public void WriteUintToMemory(int offset, uint data) { writeOrd32Chunk(offset, BitConverter.GetBytes(data)); } public void WriteByteToMemory(int offset, byte data) { Marshal.WriteByte(mmPtr, offset, data); } } } {% endhighlight %}

As an example of how to use this class (although perhaps not why you might want to!), consider the following:

{% highlight csharp %} //Setup buffer bufferPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(64); MemoryManager mmBuffer = new MemoryManager(bufferPtr); Console.WriteLine("bufferPtr begins at {0} and occupies {1} bytes.", bufferPtr.ToString(), 64); //Write zeroes from 0->56 (14*4) mmBuffer.WriteZeros(0, 14); Console.WriteLine("buffer[0->56] written with zeroes."); //Write the start value mmBuffer.WriteStringToMemory("astring", 0); Console.WriteLine("String written to buffer[0]."); //Write the padding marker mmBuffer[searchLen] = 0x80; Console.WriteLine("Padding marker (0x80) written to buffer[" + searchLen.ToString() + "]."); //Write the tail at position 56 mmBuffer.WriteUintToMemory(56, (uint)tailStringPtr); Console.WriteLine("tailStringPtr written to buffer[56]."); //Write the working area to position 60->63 mmBuffer[60, 63] = mmBuffer[0, 3]; {% endhighlight %}

This class is primarily useful when you need to pass a memory structure via a pInvoke and want to easily manipulate the data.