layout: post
status: publish
published: true
title: ! 'Introducing eprintsCV: a python script to create an academic web CV from
  your eprints record'

wordpress_id: 2978
wordpress_url: https://www.martineve.com/?p=2978
date: !binary |-
date_gmt: !binary |-
- Technology
- Linux
- Python
- CV
- programming
- json
- eprints
comments: []
<p>This afternoon, after an intense day of writing, I decided that I was finally fed up with maintaining so many different copies of my publication record. I have my institutional repository, my OpenOffice CV document, my Academia.edu profile and, of course, the <a href="https://www.martineve.com/c-v/">version on my own site</a>. I decided to do something about this.</p>
<p>Allow me to introduce <a href="https://github.com/MartinPaulEve/eprintsCV">eprintsCV</a>! This tool will grab your eprints articles, books, conference papers and book chapters and display them in an html list.</p>
<p>So, for my setup here (although I now need to convert the other sections), I have setup a cron job that runs:</p>

{% highlight bash %}
./eprintsCV.py eprints.lincoln.ac.uk 3354 "book,article,book_section,conference_item" > some_file.html
{% endhighlight %} 

<p>I've then simply used <a href="http://www.myvirtualdisplay.com/wordpress-projects/include_html/">include_html</a> to transclude the result.</p>
<p>Admittedly, there is risk (with a malicious eprints repository operator) for malicious insertion there, but I trust our lot.</p>
<p>If I had more inclination, I'd try and get this working with citeproc-py so that it could output in any format that was desired. As it stands, this is a pretty good solution for an hour-or-so's hacking.</p>