layout: post
status: publish
published: true
title: ! 'Upcoming Workshop: Inbox zero and tech-task lists: getting things done'

wordpress_id: 1162
wordpress_url: https://www.martineve.com/?p=1162
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- Technology
- Academia
- Teaching
- Workshop
- EdTech
- Teaching
- Productivity
comments: []
<p>Details of an upcoming researcher workshop I am running on the 28th of June, from 2-4pm at the University of Sussex:</p>
<blockquote><p>In this workshop we will explore the technologies and strategies that can be deployed to productively deal with the increasingly diverse range of activities, including administration, expected of researchers. We will begin by critically evaluating the applicability of 'business guru' mentalities to all aspects of academic 'labour' -- the 'Getting Things Done' of the title -- before moving to a practical session using the tools that can, in appropriate circumstances, help you become more productive.</p>
<p>Tools and techniques we will look at will include:</p>
<li>Inbox Zero</li>
<li>Remember the Milk</li>
<li>Time tracking</li>
<li>Avoiding over-commitment</li>
<p>For more information and book, please visit the <a href="http://www.sussex.ac.uk/doctoralschool/internal/researcherdev/events/index.php?pageon=2&status=open">events page</a>.</p>
<p><i>Featured image credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/utopianlee/">leezfield</a> under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.</i></p>