--- layout: post status: publish published: true title: My recent work at Berfrois wordpress_id: 917 wordpress_url: https://www.martineve.com/?p=917 date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wNC0wMiAxMjowNDoxMyArMDIwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wNC0wMiAxMjowNDoxMyArMDIwMA== categories: - Literature - Thomas Pynchon - Academia - Philosophy - Michel Foucault tags: [] comments: [] ---

Featured image by 1600 Squirrels under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.

I was thrilled recently to be asked to write a piece detailing my recent work on interrelations between Thomas Pynchon and Michel Foucault at the online literary magazine, Berfrois. Feel free to check out the article at their site.

This article was released on the same day as the first meeting of the UK Pynchon Network, more on which is to follow in coming days!