--- layout: post title: "HE Green Paper: response to question 8" categories: [HE, green paper, politics] tags: [HE, green paper, politics] published: True --- This post is part of an [ongoing series](https://martineve.com/GreenPaper/) where I intend to develop my full _personal_ (_not_ institutional) response to the HE Green Paper. Comments are welcome to refine this. The Green Paper asks in Question 8: > Do you agree with the proposed approach to differentiation and award as TEF develops over time? Please give reasons for your answer. Aside from my broader concerns about a potential TEF, there is one aspect here that I disagree with. The Green Paper states that "Our preferred option is that assessments are made at discipline (subject) level as soon as is practicable". This is absolutely vital and should not be a "preferred" afterthought to be implemented "as soon as is practicable". No implementation of any proposed TEF should go ahead before this has been resolved. As a side note and as per question 7, the requirement that higher levels provide "compelling evidence" will once more raise the administrative and financial burdens for institutions. It will also privilege those institutions that can afford to employ staff members to handle this.