--- layout: post status: publish published: true title: 'Chapter Two: Self-Canonisation, Literary-Historical Fictions and Aesthetic Critique' date: 2015-02-22 image: feature: anxietyofacademia.png categories: - Literature comments: [] --- A map, as of the 22nd February 2015, of Chapter Two of the book I am slowly working on. Mimetic representation academy not only possible interaction Intertextuality can be seen as academy-like function of (self-)canonisation
University English haunts text Public persona of author as popular literary critic Synopsis of C Inter-textuality key to novel and its marketing Thomas Pynchon Melanie Jackson as literary agent Novel situates itself within postmodern lineage Taxonomies Novel attempts to canonise itself Usurps supposed function of university English C's metafictional histories are also literary histories C is not the only text to do this Bechdel's Fun Home Franzen's Freedom But good example of overlap with university practice
“Difficulty” Ludic mode Micro-prolepsis Epistemic play (core to all novels) Differentiated repetition Intra-diegetic representation of text's own approach to literary history Proliferation of -modernisms as symptom Implies loops and alternative time structure but is actually linear C as historical novel? “60-year rule” (relative periodisation) “Accuracy” (generic conventions) “Experience” (research) “Suspension of disbelief” (dissonance) Flawed premises of historical novel Relative periodisation and research criteria incompatible with anti-humanism Generic conventions rely on historical imaginary Raises historiographic questions Epistemic isolation C is a literary-historical novel Tradition of Luddite fiction Almost-repetitious/analogous; Almost-historiographic Almost-critical
C's metatextual features The implied archive Kempf's dogfight The implied archive signposts (postmodern) historical fiction Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves Academic prose style Subversion of verification Harold Bloom Anxieties of influence Canon wars Anagrams as ludic mode C's signals of itself as metafiction Proto-facticity that implies the archive Linguistic play that generates metafictional awareness
Woolf Pynchon Ballard Atrocity Exhibition Subjunctivity DeLillo White Noise Photography Realism
C is metafictional C situates itself in various lineages through intertextuality C has qualities of the historical novel This becomes a text about literary histories/histories of genre This self-situation has an academy-like function Or at least betrays an influential anxiety of academia