--- layout: post status: publish published: true title: ! 'Publication: ''Guide to Creative Commons for humanities and social science monograph authors''' wordpress_id: 2728 wordpress_url: https://www.martineve.com/?p=2728 date: !binary |- MjAxMy0wNy0wMiAwODowNjozMyArMDIwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMy0wNy0wMiAwNzowNjozMyArMDIwMA== categories: - Open Access - Academia - Publications - Output tags: - Open Access - Creative Commons comments: [] ---

I'm pleased to announce the publication of the open access booklet, Collins, Ellen and Milloy, Caren and Stone, Graham, Guide to Creative Commons for humanities and social science monograph authors, Baker, James and Eve, Martin Paul and Priego, Ernesto (eds.), OAPEN-UK and Jisc Collections: 2013. As you can see from that list, I was privileged enough to be invited to edit this important guide. It's CC-BY, so take, spread and re-use as you see fit!