--- layout: post status: publish published: true title: Crossword Helper for Android wordpress_id: 990 wordpress_url: https://www.martineve.com/?p=990 date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wNC0yMSAxODowODo0NCArMDIwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wNC0yMSAxODowODo0NCArMDIwMA== categories: - Technology - Android tags: - Technology - Android - Crosswords comments: [] --- <p>A quick plug for my latest Android application, which is now available in the Android Market: <a href="https://market.android.com/details?id=com.martineve.crossword&feature=search_result">Crossword Helper</a>. This is, fairly obviously, an application designed to help you finish crosswords when you are stuck.</p> <p>You can get the app by scanning this QR code on your device:</p> <div><a href="https://market.android.com/details?id=com.martineve.crossword&feature=search_result"><img src="https://www.martineve.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/crossword_qr.png" alt="Crossword Solver QR Code" title="Crossword Solver QR Code" width="376" height="376" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-991" /></a></div> <div> <p>The application has a built-in dictionary of approximately 300,000 words against which you can match your existing grid and/or an anagram.</p> </div> <p>Example uses:</p> <p>Blanks<br /> Enter "t?s?" for "test"</p> <p>Anagrams<br /> Enter "elvis" to get "lives"</p> <p>Blanks and Anagrams<br /> Enter "orchestra" for anagram and "c???-h????" to get "cart-horse"</p> <p>It's also my first experiment at selling something on the Android Market. In theory, I do not approve of this practice and prefer software to be free. For that reason, the similar service at <a href="http://ana.grammatic.org">http://ana.grammatic.org</a> will remain online and free to access. However, I am craving some extra revenue at the moment, so if you want offline support on your Android device, please give this your consideration.</p> <p>Logo based, in part, on a work by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/crosswordman/">CrosswordMan</a> originally released under a CC-BY license.</p>