--- layout: post status: publish published: true title: Android and Eduroam wordpress_id: 763 wordpress_url: https://www.martineve.com/?p=763 date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMi0wOSAxMTo0MDoyMSArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMi0wOSAxMTo0MDoyMSArMDEwMA== categories: - Technology - Android - Academia - Linux tags: - Android - Linux - Eduroam - Routing comments: - id: 6194 author: Mohammed Fahd author_email: mf240@sussex.ac.uk author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAxODoxOToxOSArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAxODoxOToxOSArMDEwMA== content: hi, i really need help connecting my x10i to sussex wifi. could plz provide me with step by step process for this..excuse for my lil knowledge abt connectivity.. - id: 6195 author: Martin Paul Eve author_email: martin@martineve.com author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAxODozMjozNCArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAxODozMjozNCArMDEwMA== content: ! 'Hi, How far have you got? Have you got the device on the network? If not, I''d recommend going to ITS support, as they will certainly be able to help with this stage (you need to add the MAC address under your ITS account, then use outer-id: other-os-user@sussex.ac.uk, inner-id: yourITSusername and then your password as the password). If you are connected, but have no connectivity to the internet, post back and I''ll give you info on how to get the routing working. Martin' - id: 6196 author: Mohammed Fahd author_email: mf240@sussex.ac.uk author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAyMDo1MzowMSArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAyMDo1MzowMSArMDEwMA== content: i got my phone registered on ITS. - id: 6197 author: Mohammed Fahd author_email: mf240@sussex.ac.uk author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAyMDo1MzoyMiArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAyMDo1MzoyMiArMDEwMA== content: i got my phone registered on ITS. and i jus rooted my phone as well - id: 6198 author: Martin Paul Eve author_email: martin@martineve.com author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAyMDo1NzoyMiArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAyMDo1NzoyMiArMDEwMA== content: Hi, so are you still having problems, or all set now? - id: 6199 author: Mohammed Fahd author_email: mf240@sussex.ac.uk author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAyMTo0MzoyNyArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAyMTo0MzoyNyArMDEwMA== content: nope.. it so happens i tried connecting it says obtaining adress but disconnects l8r on.. - id: 6200 author: Martin Paul Eve author_email: martin@martineve.com author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAyMTo0Njo0OCArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAyMTo0Njo0OCArMDEwMA== content: ! "What version of Android? (Also: this is not related to the problem documented in this post; in my case, I could get an address, connect, but not see any web pages).\r\n\r\nI'd still recommend going to ITS and asking them to do the initial setup; takes 15 mins." - id: 6201 author: Mohammed Fahd author_email: mf240@sussex.ac.uk author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAyMzoxNzo1OCArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNiAyMzoxNzo1OCArMDEwMA== content: it is running on 2.1-1..oh ok 'l look in to its 2mr.. i went thr initially regarding the client certificate as my phone did not accept .cer... i belive its .pfx cert so i downloaded that but now its asks for pswd.. - id: 6207 author: Mohammed Fahd author_email: mf240@sussex.ac.uk author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNyAyMDowOTowMSArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNyAyMDowOTowMSArMDEwMA== content: hey sry for trouble again..i went to its ppl they to din know wat to do wid my prob..i think 'm going wrong at certificate part..cud u plz tel me wat kind of cert is required for x10? i think its .pfx format but it asks for pasword when i tried installin it on my phone...ITS folks din know wat to do.. - id: 6208 author: Martin Paul Eve author_email: martin@martineve.com author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNyAyMToyNjo0MiArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wNyAyMToyNjo0MiArMDEwMA== content: ! "Hi; scrap the certificates -- you don't need to do it -- just use EAP-TTLS with MSCHAPv2 inner auth.\r\n\r\nPut your usernames in (remember other-os-user@sussex.ac.uk for outer identity, your ITS username for inner id) and, with any luck, it should work. (Provided you've added the MAC address)\r\n\r\nI've never used the certs on Android (although I'm on 2.3, Froyo) and it works fine (apart from the bug described in this post on some handsets)" - id: 6210 author: Mohammed Fahd author_email: mf240@sussex.ac.uk author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wOCAxMjo1OToxNyArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wOCAxMjo1OToxNyArMDEwMA== content: ok thnx..when u talk abt outer n inner identity..u mean when i input the setting for wifi thr r two things identiy and anonymus identity..is this wat u refering to? - id: 6211 author: Martin Paul Eve author_email: martin@martineve.com author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wOCAxMzowODozMyArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0wOCAxMzowODozMyArMDEwMA== content: ! "Hi,\r\n\r\nYes, my apologies:\r\n\r\nouter identity = anonymous identity (other-os-user@sussex.ac.uk)\r\ninner identity = identity (ITS username)\r\n\r\nBest,\r\n\r\nMartin" - id: 6241 author: Mohammed Fahd author_email: mohd_fahd87@hotmail.com author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xNSAxNjoxNzo0NyArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xNSAxNjoxNzo0NyArMDEwMA== content: ! "Hi martin,\n i so far got it connected to wifi netwrk..but now the pages don load..so if u cud help me out in this regard..i gues this is similar to wat u posted on this site? cud u provide with detail info as 'm new to this congifuration stuff.." - id: 6242 author: Martin Paul Eve author_email: martin@martineve.com author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xNSAxNzozMzozMCArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xNSAxNzozMzozMCArMDEwMA== content: ! "Hi,\r\n\r\nYou'll need a rooted device for this to work, but here goes:\r\n\r\nOk, so connect your device to your PC using the USB cable and select \"Mount as disk drive\".\r\n\r\nCreate a file on your device's SD card called \"push_routes.sh\" and put this in it:\r\n\r\nroute add dev eth0\r\nroute add default gw dev eth0\r\n\r\nDownload \"Gscript lite\" from the Android Market.\r\n\r\nIn Gscript Lite add a new script, \"load from file\" the file you created on the SD card. Ensure the \"su\" tickbox is checked.\r\n\r\nNow, run that script and you should get internet.\r\n\r\nMight be worth me dropping an email to ITS to let them know that several people are having problems :/" - id: 6243 author: Mohammed Fahd author_email: mf240@sussex.ac.uk author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xNSAxNzo1MDo1OSArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xNSAxNzo1MDo1OSArMDEwMA== content: ok..wil give it a try..thnx for help.. - id: 6247 author: Mohammed Fahd author_email: mf240@sussex.ac.uk author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOCAxNzoyMTowNyArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOCAxNzoyMTowNyArMDEwMA== content: ! "hi martin sry for this stupid questions.. but how do i creat a file with that name? i can c an option for text document do i input this\r\nroute add dev eth0\r\nroute add default gw dev eth0\r\n \r\nand name that file?" - id: 6248 author: Martin Paul Eve author_email: martin@martineve.com author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOCAxNzo0MzoxNyArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOCAxNzo0MzoxNyArMDEwMA== content: ! 'Hi, If you are on Windows (sorry, I don''t know the Mac equivalent), open notepad, paste those lines in, and then save the file as push_routes.sh on your phones'' SD card. Best, Martin' - id: 6249 author: mohammed fahd author_email: mohd_fahd87@hotmail.com author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOSAxNDo0NToxNCArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOSAxNDo0NToxNCArMDEwMA== content: Hi martin I did as suggested but I cant find the file in gscript lite.. - id: 6250 author: Martin Paul Eve author_email: martin@martineve.com author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOSAxNTo0MjozNCArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOSAxNTo0MjozNCArMDEwMA== content: ! "Hi,\r\n\r\nHmm, that's odd; GScript Lite should find it if it ends on a file with a \".sh\" extension in the root of the SD card.\r\n\r\nAnyway, if it's really not showing up, you can manually type the lines into GScript Lite under \"Add script\"." - id: 6251 author: mohammed fahd author_email: mohd_fahd87@hotmail.com author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOSAxNjowMjo1MyArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOSAxNjowMjo1MyArMDEwMA== content: Now it says invalid script...im using x10i just in case is it has anything else that I need to do - id: 6252 author: Martin Paul Eve author_email: martin@martineve.com author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOSAxNjowNTowMiArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOSAxNjowNTowMiArMDEwMA== content: Can I just confirm exactly what you have put in the script? - id: 6253 author: Mohammed Fahd author_email: mf240@sussex.ac.uk author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOSAyMDo0MzozMiArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOSAyMDo0MzozMiArMDEwMA== content: ! "route add dev eth0\r\nroute add default gw dev eth0" - id: 6254 author: Mohammed Fahd author_email: mf240@sussex.ac.uk author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOSAyMTowMjoyNSArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0xOSAyMTowMjoyNSArMDEwMA== content: ! "it says \r\n invalid argument\r\n no such device" - id: 6256 author: Martin Paul Eve author_email: martin@martineve.com author_url: '' date: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0yMiAxNjoxMzozNSArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMS0wMy0yMiAxNjoxMzozNSArMDEwMA== content: ! 'Ah, now that''s a useful error. It seems, in your case, that the device "eth0" (which on mine is the name of the ethernet card) is not correct. 1.) Is wifi enabled? 2.) If it is and still doesn''t work, try replacing every instance of "eth0" with "tiwlan0" If that doesn''t work, finding out the name of the device is a pain (have to install busybox, then use busybox''s ifconfig to list devices)' - id: 6634 author: IT Services (Sussex) author_email: '' author_url: http://twitter.com/ITServices date: !binary |- MjAxMi0wMi0xMCAxMjoxOTowMCArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMi0wMi0xMCAxMjoxOTowMCArMDEwMA== content: ! 'just to be a security nerd..the certificates are not needed for connection but if you don''t use them, you''re theoretically vulnerable to "evil twin" or "man in the middle" attacks - e.g. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil_twin_(wireless_networks). Shame it''s so difficult to get a cert onto an Android phone in some cases but if you can get onto the internet (e.g. by using 3G), then you can usually download the certs needed for Sussex from: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/its/certs' - id: 6635 author: Martin Paul Eve author_email: martin@martineve.com author_url: https://www.martineve.com date: !binary |- MjAxMi0wMi0xMCAxMjoyODowMCArMDEwMA== date_gmt: !binary |- MjAxMi0wMi0xMCAxMjoyODowMCArMDEwMA== content: Yes, indeed. I have, since this point, managed to get the certs onto the device but it is a complete faff! Thanks for the response. --- <div><img src="https://www.martineve.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/eduroam-logo.gif" alt="Eduroam" title="eduroam-logo" width="601" height="260" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-764" /></div> <p><i>Image credit: Copyright Eduroam, used here as fair use to indicate the network in question.</i></p> <p>It seems there's a few bugs in various Android variants that prevent a valid routing table being setup when connecting to an institutional eduroam network. The problem, which I have seen people reporting on XDA, occurs when you can get onto the wifi network, but still no resources are available.</p> <p>You'll need a rooted device to fix this, and it's a clumsy workaround, but here's what I did on the University of Sussex campus.</p> <p>1.) Dump a valid routing table from a device that works:</p> <pre> sudo route Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * UH 0 0 0 wlan0 link-local * U 1000 0 0 wlan0 default UG 0 0 0 wlan0 </pre> <p>2.) Shell into your android device and check the routing table there:</p> <pre> route Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface </pre> <p>What a surprise, it's empty.</p> <p>3.) Add a route to your gateway and then a default route using the gateway</p> <pre> route add dev eth0 route add default gw dev eth0 route Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * UH 0 0 0 eth0 default UG 0 0 0 eth0 </pre> <p>Hurrah! You are now connected. It's probably worth putting this in a script which you can automatically run with Script Kitty or the such like.</p> <p>4.) Test connectivity</p> <pre> ping google.com PING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=14.8 ms </pre>