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    ‘Per peli e per segni’. Muster rolls, lists and notes: practical military records relating to the last Florentineordinanzeand militia, from Machiavelli to the fall of the Republic (1506-30)

    Guidi, Andrea (2016) ‘Per peli e per segni’. Muster rolls, lists and notes: practical military records relating to the last Florentineordinanzeand militia, from Machiavelli to the fall of the Republic (1506-30). Historical Research 89 (246), pp. 673-686. ISSN 0950-3471.

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    In Renaissance Florence, the militia force created by Machiavelli in 1506, then re-established in 1527–30, involved the production of two types of records: the low-level ‘practical’ records which documented the daily running of an army in the field, such as muster rolls, notes and lists; and the upper-level administrative records, such as the correspondence between governing bodies and military officers. An analysis of published and unpublished sources provides evidence of the importance of such documentary practices, and highlights the problems connected to the loss and preservation of low-level military records relating to Renaissance ordinanze and militia.


    Item Type: Article
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Historical Studies
    Depositing User: Administrator
    Date Deposited: 08 Mar 2017 17:27
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 17:30


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