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    Was konnen die neurowissenschaften den kindertherapeuten ambieten? einige probleme und möglichkeiten

    Green, Viviane (2007) Was konnen die neurowissenschaften den kindertherapeuten ambieten? einige probleme und möglichkeiten. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Analytische Kinder und Jugendlichen Psychotherapie. Frankfurt, Germany: Brandes & Apsel Verlag.

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    The subject of emotional development is on the scientific agenda, and here the long-lasting psychoanalytic interest in the importance of the early object relationship. Many connections still have to be created, but at the moment it is only possible to work towards the integration of different approaches. Some difficulties to integrate different models and ways to create connections are shown. The recent results of the biological sciences suggest a broader model of the psyche that includes various approaches to the complexity of the subject. A biological approach is also able to underpin the hope of change and plasticity, but it must also be acknowledged that early "damage" can jeopardize the possibility of change. The work emphasizes the importance of the realization that "it is the human connection that creates the neuronal connections that make up the psyche" (Seigal 1999). Neuroscientific results, as summarized by Schore and the psychotherapeutic-developmental work with children, emphasize specific characteristics that are expressed for successful or failed emotional development. Emotional misregulation, anxiety states and dissociative phenomena are discussed in the context of the clinical presentation by means of some vignettes and are linked with suggestions for the technical consequences.


    Item Type: Book Section
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences
    Depositing User: Sarah Hall
    Date Deposited: 21 Aug 2017 09:08
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 17:34


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