title: Forthcoming Books in the New Horizons in Contemporary Writing Series
layout: post
I'm very pleased to be able to announce some forthcoming titles in the Bloomsbury _New Horizons in Contemporary Writing_ series that I edit! Dates are, of course, subject to change but we have a really exciting line up of titles coming soon!

* New Media and the Transformation of Postmodern American Literature by Casey Henry (2019)
* David Mitchell's Post-Secular World by Rose Harris-Birtill (2019)
* The Contemporary Post-Apocalyptic Novel by Diletta de Cristafaro (2019)
* Jonathan Lethem and the Galaxy of Writing (2019)
* Contemporary Posthumanism by Grace Halden (2021)
* Northern Irish Writing After the Troubles by Caroline Magennis (2021)

If you're interested in submitting a proposal, do <a href="mailto:martin.eve@bbk.ac.uk">get in touch</a>.