OE Global 2018 has ended
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Thursday, April 26 • 14:05 - 14:30
Education in the Open Government Partnership commitments

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The improvement of education is a recurring objective within the commitments of the countries that participate in the Open Government Partnership (OGP). There are several national commitments related to the opening of Data, Information and Education Materials as teaching and learning tools within the national plans for Open Governance. In this context, we examine how these elements are related to the OGP commitments of countries at the international level and to propose strategies for the implementation of concrete policies that support these commitments with respect to education and to citizenship education.

To achieve this objective, we will present the results of an exhaustive study on the models of education and civic education of different national OGP commitments, and based on the results of this study, we will present a diagnosis regarding how really open and sustainable these are. The results of this study allow us to present a series of strategies to promote open education (understood as those practices based on content released under open licenses that allow universal and democratic access to quality educational materials) as a tool to promote educational development amongst OGP member countries.

The strategies to be presented include the effective promotion of the use of open government data as learning and teaching tools, citizen education focused on promoting understanding of access to public information, promoting the creation and development of initiatives national and international programs that promote sustainable open education in public education systems, and finally, the proposal of open education policy development models that allow the commitments made by governments and ministries to have a practical application.

As summary: our goal is to provide to the Open Education Community practical tools that allow supporting the different countries of the region in the adoption of open education by generating policies that encourage open educational practices.

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Javiera Atenas

Latin American Initiative for Open Data
Javiera Atenas es Doctora en Educación por la Universidad de Barcelona y senior fellow de la academia británica de educación superior, coordina de la red de educación abierta de Open Knowledge International y la unidad de educación de la Iniciativa Latinoamericana por los Datos... Read More →

Leo Havemann

Birkbeck, University of London

Thursday April 26, 2018 14:05 - 14:30
Classroom 12

Attendees (17)