title: "Ratholin'"
layout: post
Stare him in the eyes when you think he's folding
You play your luck with the cards you're holding
You throw a double six with the dice you're rolling
You gotta test your luck to break the moulding

Rummy and Patience and Texas hold 'em
Blackjack and Poker and Solitaire loading
Crossing all your fingers, here's to hoping
Scattering chips that's the way you're rolling

Cashing and acting and full-house holding
Begging and stealing and cheating ratholing
Jackpots and jokers and kitty bankrolling
Can't say I like the way it's going

I'm out of luck

Flashing and crashing and rocking and rolling
Bumping and grinding and flushing and snowing
Staking and stubbing and shilling and scooping
Tagging and tilting and telling it's knowing

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