--- title: "davmail uses Java certificate store, not central ca-certificates" layout: post --- A note to self (and others) for when this problem happens again. My university today updated the certificate for their OWA webmail service, signed by a certificate authority that I did not have in my trust chain. This triggers the following error in DavMail: "java.security.cert.CertificateException: User rejected certificate". In order to fix it, you need to install the certs into the _Java_ keystore, which is different to the central ca-certificates package on Debian. So, use Firefox or similar to download the PEM files (authority + chain), then do the following in a bash script: "for file in *.pem; do openssl x509 -outform der -in "$file" -out /tmp/certificate.der; keytool -import -alias "$file" -keystore ./java/cacerts -file /tmp/certificate.der -deststorepass changeit -noprompt; done;"