--- title: An update on the reprint of my book layout: post image: feature: oa.png --- I posted, a short while ago, about the [reprinting of OA books under CC licenses](https://eve.gd/2021/03/02/oa-books-being-reprinted-under-cc-by-license/). This is, of course, totally legal and allowed under the more liberal Creative Commons licenses. However, it will, I feel, alienate academics from OA. I think that they will consider it derogatory treatment of their work. In any case, I have now contacted Saint Philip Street Press and asked for my attribution to be removed. This has now happened and it worked. Here's a screenshot from Amazon. <img src="/images/LaCAnon.png" alt="Anonymised metadata on Literature Against Criticism"/> This greatly reduces discoverability of the reprint and will likely damage its sales. As usual, I would encourage those who wish to read the book either to [download it for free (OA)](https://www.openbookpublishers.com//download/book/551) or to [buy print from Open Book Publishers](https://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/530), in order to help with their sustainability.