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    The impact of national culture on strategic IT alignment: a multiple-case study of subsidiaries of multinational corporations

    Adaba, Godfried and Wilson, David W. and Sims, Julian (2022) The impact of national culture on strategic IT alignment: a multiple-case study of subsidiaries of multinational corporations. Information Systems Management 39 (4), pp. 288-304. ISSN 1058-0530.

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    Through a multiple-case study of three subsidiaries of multinational corporations (MNCs), we examined the impact of national culture on strategic information technology (IT) alignment. We found that the headquarters and subsidiary host national cultures affect alignment indirectly, through variables in the organizational context, including intercultural communications, IT governance, management style, differences in work values and practices, and cultural conflict and mistrust. Based on the findings, we propose a model of national culture and alignment.


    Item Type: Article
    Keyword(s) / Subject(s): Strategic it alignment, national culture, case study, Multinational Corporations (MNCS)
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Science > School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
    Depositing User: Administrator
    Date Deposited: 02 Aug 2021 09:35
    Last Modified: 09 Aug 2023 12:51


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