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    The transfer of what? Electronic conveyancing and the destabilisation of property

    Keenan, Sarah (2023) The transfer of what? Electronic conveyancing and the destabilisation of property. Law, Technology and Humans , ISSN 2652-4074.

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    In jurisdictions around the world, the previously paper-based practice of conveyancing is being digitised. The move to ‘e-conveyancing’ has attracted little critical attention and tends to be regarded as a mere change of form rather than substance. In this article, I examine Australia’s move to national, platform-based electronic conveyancing, focusing on legal and practical changes made in the state of New South Wales to facilitate that move, asking how changes in the legal form of property affect its substance. Using legal analysis and engaging with a range of interdisciplinary literature on materiality, I argue that these digitising reforms involve a new structure of governance for the transfer of property in land, which in turn has negative implications for the relevance of subject-owns-object theories of property and the status of the proprietor. Although the diminution of proprietor status is presently occurring in ways that bolster the power of corporate finance, the shift away from older modes of landownership nonetheless presents a moment of potential disruption to the political regimes they help uphold, and an opportunity to reimagine what property is and could be.


    Item Type: Article
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Business and Law > Birkbeck Law School
    Research Centres and Institutes: Race and Law, Centre for Research on
    Depositing User: Sarah Keenan
    Date Deposited: 06 Mar 2023 13:31
    Last Modified: 30 Jun 2024 05:40


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