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    Diagnostic evaluation of articulation and phonology (DEAP)

    Dodd, B. and Zhu, Hua and Crosbie, S. and Holm, A. and Ozanne, A. (2002) Diagnostic evaluation of articulation and phonology (DEAP). London: Psychology Corporation. ISBN 9780749114800.

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    The Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology, (DEAP) is a comprehensive, individually administered, norm-referenced battery designed to provide differential diagnoses of speech disorders in children ages 3.0-8.11 years. Five tests (two screens and three assessments) comprise the DEAP assessment process. Although you are not required to administer all test components, each screen can be administered in 5 minutes and each assessment in 15 minutes. From the Diagnostic Screen results, you can determine if additional testing is needed and, if so, the appropriate DEAP test to administer. The Articulation, Phonology, and Word Inconsistency Assessments then help clinicians differentiate between disorders of articulation; delayed phonological development and consistent phonological disorders; and inconsistent phonological disorders, respectively. If there are concerns about a possible oral motor disorder, the Oral Motor Screen may be administered to determine if an in-depth assessment of oral motor skills is warranted.


    Item Type: Book
    Additional Information: Includes examiner's manual, stimulus book and 5 sets of specific record forms (25 per pack) in a carrying case. Each of these elements may be purchased separately and have their own ISBNs.
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Creative Arts, Culture and Communication
    Depositing User: Zhu Hua
    Date Deposited: 08 Nov 2012 10:36
    Last Modified: 09 Aug 2023 12:32


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