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    Sects in Islam

    Zubaida, Sami (2011) Sects in Islam. In: Clarke, P. (ed.) Oxford Handbook on Sociology of Religion. Oxford Handbooks in Religion and Theology. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 545-561. ISBN 9780199588961.

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    State-of-the-art survey of the sociology of religion by a team of international experts Fifty-one essays provide coverage on the relation of religion to most aspects of contemporary life Thematically arranged to aid teaching and study An essential primary reference point and spur to further research The most comprehensive and authoritative guide available The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Religion draws on the expertise of an international team of scholars providing both an entry point into the sociological study and understanding of religion and an in-depth survey into its changing forms and content in the contemporary world. The role and impact of religion and spirituality on the politics, culture, education and health in the modern world is rigorously discussed and debated. The study of the sociology of religion forges interdisciplinary links to explore aspects of continuity and change in the contemporary interface between society and religion. Using a combination of theoretical, methodological and content-led approaches, the fifty-seven contributors collectively emphasise the complex relationships between religion and aspects of life from scientific research to law, ecology to art, music to cognitive science, crime to institutional health care and more. The developing character of religion, irreligion and atheism and the impact of religious diversity on social cohesion are explored. An overview of current scholarship in the field is provided in each themed chapter with an emphasis on encouraging new thinking and reflection on familiar and emergent themes to stimulate further debate and scholarship. The resulting essay collection provides an invaluable resource for research and teaching in this diverse discipline.


    Item Type: Book Section
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences
    Depositing User: Sarah Hall
    Date Deposited: 19 Nov 2013 09:49
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 17:08


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