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    Blind stuttering: diagrammatic city

    Bottomley, A. and Moore, Nathan (2008) Blind stuttering: diagrammatic city. Griffith Law Review 17 (2), ISSN 1038-3441.

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    This paper addresses emerging conventions and alternative potentials in the connections, scholarly and otherwise, being developed between law and city. To say ‘between’ is already inaccurate, because we utilise the concept of the diagram to think law and city as a singular, yet multiple, folding. We take on two problems as a consequence: how law and city become established, and the procedures through which they appear as perspectives upon each other. Rather than applying analyses developed for one in the other — that is, rather than seeking to take parts from one site for transference to the other - this paper treats them as diagrammatic intensities that tend to both hinge and envelope one another, whilst avoiding any kind of dialectical relation. The importance of this approach is that it loosens up our thinking of what law is or can be, depriving it of a ‘centre stage’ from which other disciplines (particularly those concerned with aesthetics) can only appear as law’s other, out-law, or blind spot. This kind of centralised thinking of law, both in its formation and in its relations with other disciplines, we refer to as LAW. In contrast, by thinking in terms of folds rather than parts, boundaries, oppositions or syntheses, we are able to begin to diagram law and city. Methodologically, we specify the fold as having three dimensions (flesh, city and cosmos), which pertain to three interrelated facets which together constitute the consistency or duration of the fold. To image and explore these three dimensions, we deploy filmic experiences of the city. The conjunction of film and city is necessitated in our view by the fragmented perspective both share, thereby allowing focus upon the intense singularities of city rather than any notion of city’s essence. What we learn is that law pertains to the partial and contingent and that, rather than seeking to order or foreclose the city, law revels in its folds. Description from publisher website at:


    Item Type: Article
    Additional Information: Special Issue: Invisible Laws, Visible Cities
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Business and Law > Birkbeck Law School
    Depositing User: Administrator
    Date Deposited: 16 Dec 2009 11:01
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 16:48


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