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    The effect of a guided narrative technique among children traumatised by the earthquake

    Zang, Y. and Hunt, N. and Cox, Tom (2013) The effect of a guided narrative technique among children traumatised by the earthquake. In: Barrette, C. and Haylock, B. and Mortimer, D. (eds.) Trauma Imprints: Performance, Art, Literature and Theoretical Practice. Oxford, UK: Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN 9781848880856.

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    Book synopsis: March 2011 brought performers, scholars, and practitioners of trauma from around the globe together in Prague, Czech Republic. In the creative, knowledgeable, and supportive forum provided by Inter-Disciplinary.Net, various conceptions and applications of trauma theory were presented and discussed. The focus of the conference was highly interdisciplinary, and in this respect it hit a vein of thought currently pulsating in contemporary trauma criticism. Trauma theories are by nature interdisciplinary and this aspect has resonated with contemporary critics, whose work tends to stem from a multitude of influences. In line with ever-increasing interest in theories of trauma from all fields of scholarship, and the rising globalisation of traumatic experience via the media, the conference included papers from performers, scholars and practitioners from a wide array of countries, and working in a range of fields. These included the study of the arts, psychoanalysis, sociology, psychology, politics, history, and tourism. The many different speakers chose a variety of forms through which to express themselves. Dramatic performances transformed grief, mourning and traumatic memory into comedy, answers, and questions. Papers were given that offered critical responses to already-seen performances, and which captured and brought back to life these past performances. Filmmakers spoke through theory and through tape, presenting both the work of others, and intimate work of their own which captured the isolation and stillness of early-stage trauma. Literary scholars dealt with a wide range of trauma novels and poems; work from around the globe was considered, and papers spoke to one another, despite the different traumas and responses being discussed. These scholars investigated how literary and filmic representations of trauma can debate, problematise, evade, and finally attempt to capture, trauma. This was theorised as vital since, while many trauma theories examine the unspeakable nature of traumatic experience, speakers at the conference showed how the practical application of these theories to texts can provide means of communication between the supposedly silent experience of trauma and people who are willing to speak and listen. Clinical theorists and those dealing with case studies from specific real-life traumas also represented their struggle to allow trauma survivors the comfort in which, and the methods through which, to verbalise their traumas. Many types of case study were presented. These ranged from individual accounts of responses to, and representations of, specific traumas, to more collective representations of national or cultural trauma, which had affected a whole group or population of people.


    Item Type: Book Section
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Business and Law > Birkbeck Business School
    Depositing User: Administrator
    Date Deposited: 12 Jun 2014 11:30
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 17:11


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