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JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance
Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse Beiträge zur Theorie, Praxis und Geschichte
Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas
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JAMA Neurology
JAMA Pediatrics
JAMA Psychiatry
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Japan Society Proceedings
JAWS: Journal of Arts Writing by Students
JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies
JCO Global Oncology
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Jewish Quarterly
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Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Advances
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Journal of Children's Services
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse
Journal of Cinema and Media Studies Teaching Dossier
Journal of Classical Sociology
Journal of Classification
Journal of Cleaner Production
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Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
Journal of Clinical Investigation
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Journal of Clinical Nursing
Journal of Coastal Conservation
Journal of Coastal Research
Journal of Cognition
Journal of Cognition and Culture
Journal of Cognition and Development
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Journal of Cognitive Psychology
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B
Journal of Combinatorics
Journal of Commodity Markets
Journal of Common Market Studies
Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics
Journal of Communication Management
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology
Journal of Comparative Economics
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice
Journal of Comparative Psychology
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
Journal of Computational Chemistry
Journal of Computational Literary Studies
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Journal of Conflict Resolution
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Journal of Credit Risk
Journal of Criminal Law
Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice
Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies
Journal of Critical Realism
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Journal of Cryptology
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Journal of Cultural Economy
Journal of Cultural Heritage
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Journal of Curatorial Studies
Journal of Customer Behaviour
Journal of Data and Information Quality
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Journal of Dermatological Science
Journal of Design History
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics
Journal of Development Economics
Journal of Development Studies
Journal of Digital Information Management
Journal of Digital Media & Policy
Journal of Discrete Algorithms
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage
Journal of Documentation
Journal of Drug Issues
Journal of Early Childhood Education Research
Journal of Early Childhood Research
Journal of Early Christian Studies
Journal of Early Modern History
Journal of East African Studies
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies
Journal of Ecology
Journal of Econometrics
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Journal of Economic Crises
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Journal of Economic Geography
Journal of Economic Issues
Journal of Economic Methodology
Journal of Economic Psychology
Journal of Economics and Public Finance
Journal of Economic Studies
Journal of Economic Surveys
Journal of Economic theory
Journal of Economic Theory
Journal of Educational Administration
Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society
Journal of Education and Work
Journal of Education for Sustainable Development
Journal of Education in Museums
Journal of Education Policy
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research
Journal of Emergent Science
Journal of Emerging Market Finance
Journal of Employment Counseling
Journal of Energy Markets
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
Journal of English and Germanic Philology
Journal of English as Lingua Franca
Journal of English for Academic Purposes
Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes
Journal of English Linguistics
Journal of Enterprise Information Management
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Journal of Environmental Economics & Management
Journal of Environmental Law
Journal of Environmental Management
Journal of Environmental Monitoring
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Journal of Euromarketing
Journal of European Consumer and Market Law
Journal of European Industrial Training
Journal of European Integration
Journal of European Public Policy
Journal of European Studies
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice
Journal of Evolutionary Economics
Journal of Evolutionary Psychology
Journal of Experimental Biology
Journal of Experimental Botany
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Journal of Experimental Political Science
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
Journal of Eye Movement Research
Journal of Family Issues
Journal of Family Psychology
Journal of Family Therapy
Journal of Family Violence
Journal of Feminist Scholarship
Journal of Fertility Counselling
Journal of Field Archaeology
Journal of Financial Data Science
Journal of Financial Economics
Journal of Financial Services Research
Journal of Financial Stability
Journal of Fish Biology
Journal of Fixed Income
Journal of Flood Risk Management
Journal of Forecasting
Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology
Journal of French Language Studies
Journal of Further and Higher Education
Journal of Futures Markets
Journal of Gambling Studies
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy
Journal of Gender and Power
Journal of Gender Studies
Journal of General Virology
Journal of Genetic Counseling
Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Journal of Genocide Research
Journal of Geochemical Exploration
Journal of Geodynamics
Journal of Geographical Systems
Journal of Geography in Higher Education
Journal of Geology
Journal of Geophysical Research
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
Journal of Geophysical research - Earth Surface
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth)
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Journal of Gerontology Series B
Journal of GLBT Family Studies
Journal of Global Information Management
Journal of Global Marketing
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
Journal of Government and Economics
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics
Journal of Graph Theory
Journal of Group Theory
Journal of Health Economics
Journal of Health Organization and Management
Journal of Health Psychology
Journal of Health Services Research and Policy
Journal of Hellenic Studies
Journal of Hepatology
Journal of Higher Education
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management
Journal of Historical Geography
Journal of Historical Research in Marketing
Journal of Historical Sociology
Journal of Homosexuality
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Journal of Human Evolution
Journal of Humanistic Mathematics
Journal of Humanities, University of Malawi
Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting
Journal of Human Rights Practice
Journal of Hydrology
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies
Journal of Iberian Archaeology
Journal of Iberian Geology
Journal of Illustration Studies
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
Journal of Income Distribution
Journal of Index Investing
Journal of Industrial and Business Economics (Economia e Politica Industriale)
Journal of Industrial Economics
Journal of Industrial Relations
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade
Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy
Journal of information literacy
Journal of Information Systems
Journal of Information Technology
Journal of Informetrics
Journal of Innovation Economics & Management
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
Journal of Insect Physiology
Journal of Insect Science
Journal of Institutional Economics
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
Journal of Intelligence
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
Journal of Intercultural Studies
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies
Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy
Journal of International Business Studies
Journal of International Criminal Justice
Journal of International Development
Journal of International Dispute Settlement
Journal of International Economic Law
Journal of International Economics
Journal of International Education in Business
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
Journal of International Management
Journal of International Money and Finance
Journal of International Money & Finance
Journal of International Relations and Development
Journal of International Students
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Journal of Investing
Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema
Journal of Judicial Administration
Journal Of Knowledge Management
Journal of Labor Economics
Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict
Journal of Language and Politics
Journal of Language and Social Psychology
Journal of Laryngology and Otology
Journal of Late Antiquity
Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies
Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies: Travesia
Journal of Latin American Studies
Journal of Law and Society
Journal of Law, Economics & Organization
Journal of Law, Social Justice and Global Development
Journal of Law & Society
Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies
Journal of Learning Disabilities and Offending Behaviour
Journal of Legislative Studies
Journal of Lesbian Studies
Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication
Journal of Lie Theory
Journal of Light & Visual Environment
Journal of Limnology
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology
Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies
Journal of Litter and Environmental Quality
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
Journal of Logic and Computation
Journal of Logic, Language and Information
Journal of Loss and Trauma
Journal of Luminescence
Journal of Machine Learning Research
Journal of Macroeconomics
Journal of Magnetic Resonance
Journal of Management
Journal of Management Education
Journal of Management Inquiry
Journal of Management & Organization
Journal of Management Studies
Journal of Managerial Psychology
Journal of Maps
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy
Journal of Marketing Communications
Journal of Marketing Management
Journal of Marriage and Family
Journal of Mass Spectrometry
Journal of Material Culture
Journal of Materials Science
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology
Journal of Mathematical Economics
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
Journal of Mathematical Psychology
Journal of Media Practice
Journal of Medical Ethics
Journal of Medical Genetics
Journal of Medical Humanities
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology
Journal of Medical Internet Research
Journal of Medical Microbiology
Journal of Medical Screening
Journal of Medical Speech - Language Pathology
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Journal of Medieval History
Journal of Memory and Language
Journal of Mennonite Studies
Journal of Men's Health and Gender
Journal of mental health.
Journal of Mental Health
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities
Journal of Metallic Material Research
Journal of Metamorphic Geology
Journal of Microbiological Methods
Journal of Military History
Journal of Mind and Behavior
Journal of Modern European History
Journal of Modern Greek Studies
Journal of Modern History
Journal of Modern Italian Studies
Journal of Modern Jewish Studies
Journal of Modern Literature
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Journal of Molecular Biology
Journal of Molecular Evolution
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
Journal of Molecular Modeling
Journal of Molecular Recognition
Journal of Molecular Structure
Journal of Monetary Economics
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking
Journal of Moral Education
Journal of Moral Philosophy
Journal of Motor Behavior
Journal of Multicultural and Multilingual Development
Journal of Multicultural Discourses
Journal of Multi Disciplinary Evaluation
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders
Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Journal of Namibian Studies
Journal of Natural History
Journal of Natural Products
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Journal of Neonatal Nursing
Journal of Network and Computer Applications
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Journal of Neurolinguistics
Journal of Neurology
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry
Journal of NeuroPhilosophy
Journal of Neurophysiology
Journal of Neuropsychology
Journal of Neuroscience
Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Journal of Nietzsche Studies
Journal of North African Studies
Journal of Object Technology
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Journal of Occupational Health
Journal of Occupational Health and Safety Australia and New Zealand
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
Journal of Occupational Science
Journal of Open Humanities Data
Journal of Open Psychology Data
Journal of Operational Risk
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Journal of Organizational Change Management
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
Journal of Paediatrics
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health
Journal of Paleolimnology
Journal of Paleontology
Journal of Palliative Medicine
Journal of Participatory Medicine
Journal of Peace Research
Journal of Peasant Studies
Journal of Pediatric Neurology
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Personality Assessment
Journal of Personnel Psychology
Journal of Petrology
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
Journal of Philosophical Logic
Journal of Philosophical Research
Journal of Philosophy
Journal of Philosophy of Education
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Journal of Physiology
Journal of Plant Protection Research
Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism
Journal of Policy Modeling
Journal of Political Ecology
Journal of Political Economy
Journal of Political Ideologies
Journal of Political Philosophy
Journal of Political Science Education
Journal of Popular British Cinema
Journal of Popular Culture
Journal of Popular Music Studies
Journal of Population Economics
Journal of Postcolonial Writing
Journal of Postgraduate Research
Journal of Pragmatics
Journal of Prediction Markets
Journal of Product & Brand Management
Journal of Product Innovation Management
Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law
Journal of Proteome Research
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Journal of Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Services
Journal of Psychiatric Research
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
Journal of Psychopharmacology
Journal of Psychophysiology
Journal of Psychosocial Oncology
Journal of Psychosocial Studies
Journal of Psycho-Social Studies
Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Journal of Public Administration Research And Theory
Journal of Public Economics
Journal of Public Health Sciences
Journal of public mental health.
Journal of Public Policy
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics
Journal of Quaternary Science
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
Journal of Refugee Studies
Journal of Regulatory Economics
Journal of Religion and Society
Journal of Religion in Africa
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology
Journal of Research in Gender Studies
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
Journal of Research in International Education
Journal of Research in Nursing
Journal of Research in Personality
Journal of Research on Adolescence
Journal of Risk
Journal of Risk and Insurance
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
Journal of Risk Finance
Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions
Journal of Risk Research
Journal of Roman Archaeology
Journal of Romance Studies
Journal of Roman Studies
Journal of Rural Studies
Journal of Safety Research
Journal of Scholarly Publishing
Journal of School Violence
Journal of Scottish Historical Studies
Journal of Second Language Pronunciation
Journal of Second Language Writing
Journal of Sedimentary Research
Journal of Service Management
Journal of Service Research
Journal of Service Theory and Practice
Journal of Sex Research
Journal of Simulation
Journal of Slavic Military Studies
Journal of Sleep Research
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
Journal of Small Business Management
Journal of Social and Political Psychology
Journal of Social Archaeology
Journal of Social History
Journal of Social Inclusion
Journal of Social Issues
Journal of Social Policy
Journal of Social Psychology
Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law
Journal of Social Work Practice
Journal of Socio-Economics
Journal of Sociolinguistics
Journal of Sociology
Journal of Software: Practice and Experience
Journal of Soils and Sediments
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Journal of South African Law / Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg (TSAR)
Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences
Journal of Southern African Studies
Journal of Space Law
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Journal of Sports Economics
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT)
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
Journal of Statistical Software
Journal of Strategic Marketing
Journal of Structural Biology
Journal of Structural Geology
Journal of Substance Use
Journal of Symbolic Computation
Journal of Symbolic Logic
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology
Journal of Systems and Software
Journal of Technology in Human Services
Journal of Technology Transfer
Journal of the ACM
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Journal of the American Society for Information Science Technology
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Journal of the American Statistical Association
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association
Journal of the Australian War Memorial
Journal of the British Academy
Journal of the British Archaeological Association
Journal of the British Interplanetary Society
Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics
Journal of The Copyright Society of the USA
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
Journal of the European Economic Association
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
Journal of the European Second Language Association
Journal of the Fantastic In the Arts
Journal of the Geological Society
Journal of the History of Biology
Journal of the History of Collections
Journal of the History of Ideas
Journal of the History of International Law
Journal of the History of Philosophy
Journal of the History of Sexuality
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies
Journal of the International AIDS Society
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology
Journal of Theoretical Biology
Journal of Theoretical Politics
Journal of the Philosophy of Sport
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
Journal of the Royal Society - Interface
Journal of The Royal Society Interface
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Open
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series B (Statistical Methodology)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes
Journal of Time Series Analysis
Journal of Time Series Econometrics
Journal of Trafficking, Organised Crime and Security
Journal of Transport Geography
Journal of Travel Research
Journal of Tropical Forest Science
Journal of Universal Computer Science
Journal of Urban History
Journal of Value Inquiry
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Journal of Victorian Culture
Journal of Virology
Journal of Vision
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
Journal of Visual Culture
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Journal of Vocational Behaviour
Journal of Vocational Education and Training
Journal of Voice
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
Journal of War and Culture Studies
Journal of War & Culture Studies
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-AQUA
Journal of Web Semantics
Journal of Work-Applied Management
Journal of Workplace Learning
Journal of World Business
Journal of World Christianity
Journal of World History
Journal of World Trade
Journal of Youth Studies
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
Journal on Data Semantics (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series)
Journeys: the International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing
JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications
Judgment and Decision Making
Justice, Power and Resistance
Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society
Juxtapositions: The Journal of Haiku Research and Scholarship
Jyväskylä Cross-Language Studies