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Book Section
Bodirsky, M. and Chen, Hubie and Kara, J. and von Oertzen, T. (2007) Maximal infinite-valued constraint languages. In: Arge, L. and Cachin, C. and Jurdzinski, T. and Tarlecki, A. (eds.) ICALP 2007: Automata, Languages and Programming, 34th International Colloquium. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4596. Springer, pp. 546-557. ISBN 9783540734192.
Razgon, Igor (2006) Exact computation of maximum induced forest. In: Arge, L. and Freivalds, R. (eds.) SWAT 2006: Algorithm Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4059. Springer, pp. 160-171. ISBN 9783540357537.