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Barron, Caroline (2020) Amator Concordiae, Ornator Patriae. The Latinisation of Punic titles in early imperial Lepcis Magna. Libyan Studies 51 , pp. 10-23. ISSN 0263-7189.
Book Section
Barron, Caroline (2021) Cardinal Alessandro Albani’s epigraphic collections and their influence on collecting in the eighteenth century. In: Hornsby, C. and Bevilacqua, M. (eds.) Cardinal Alessandro Albani: collecting, dealing and diplomacy in Grand Tour Europe. Studi sul Settecento Romano 37. Quasar. ISBN 9788854911888.
Barron, Caroline (2020) The (lost) Arch of Titus: the visibility and prominence of victory in Flavian Rome. In: Berthelot, K. (ed.) Reconsidering Roman Power. Roman, Greek, Jewish and Christian Perceptions and Reactions. Rome, Italy: Publications de l’École française de Rome. ISBN 9782728314119.