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British Journal of Politics and International Relations
Worthy, Ben and Bennister, M. (2024) The ‘Electoral Presidentialization’ of Silvio Berlusconi and Boris Johnson: chaos, controversy and lost chances. British Journal of Politics and International Relations , ISSN 1369-1481.
British Politics
Worthy, Benjamin and Bennister, M. (2021) 'Dominance, defence and diminishing returns'? Theresa May’s leadership capital July 2016 to July 2018. British Politics 16 , pp. 295-316. ISSN 1746-918X.
Worthy, Benjamin and Bennister, M. and Stafford, M. (2018) Rebels leading London: the mayoralties of Ken Livingstone and Boris Johnson compared. British Politics 14 , pp. 23-43. ISSN 1746-918X.
West European Politics
t'Hart, P. and Bennister, M. and Worthy, Benjamin (2015) Assessing the authority of political office-holders: the leadership capital index. West European Politics 38 (3), pp. 417-440. ISSN 0140-2382.