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Environment and Planning A
Frenzel, F. and Bohm, S. and Quinton, P. and Spicer, A. and Sullivan, Sian and Young, Z. (2011) Alternative media in north and south - a comparison: the cases of IFIWatchnet and Indymedia in Africa. Environment and Planning A 43 , pp. 1173-1189. ISSN 0308-518x.
Sullivan, Sian and Spicer, A. and Bohm, S. (2011) Becoming global (un)civil society: counter-hegemonic struggle and the Indymedia network. Globalizations 8 (5), pp. 703-717. ISSN 1474-7731.
ephemera: critical dialogues on organization
Bohm, S. and Sullivan, Sian and Reyes, O. (2005) The organisation and politics of social forums. ephemera: critical dialogues on organization 5 (2), pp. 98-101. ISSN 1473-2866.
ephemera: theory & politics in organization
Bohm, S. and Sullivan, Sian (2005) Sensing the forum: a collage. ephemera: theory & politics in organization 5 (2),