Browse by Person

Geological Society, London, Special Publication
Briant, Rebecca M. and Gibbard, P.L. and Boreham, S. and Coope, G.R. and Preece, R.C. (2008) Limits to resolving catastrophic events in the Quaternary fluvial record: a case study from the Nene valley, Northamptonshire, UK. Geological Society, London, Special Publication 296 (1), pp. 79-104. ISSN 0305-8719.
Brooks, Susan and Spencer, T. and Boreham, S. (2012) Deriving mechanisms and thresholds for cliff retreat in soft-rock cliffs under changing climates: rapidly retreating cliffs of the Suffolk coast, U.K. Geomorphology 153-4 , pp. 48-60. ISSN 0169-555X.
Journal of Quaternary Science
Briant, Rebecca M. and Coope, G.R. and Preece, R.C. and Keen, D.H. and Boreham, S. and Griffiths, H.I. and Seddon, M.B. and Gibbard, P.L. (2004) Fluvial system response to Late Devensian (Weichselian) aridity, Baston, Lincolnshire, England. Journal of Quaternary Science 19 (5), pp. 479-495. ISSN 0267-8179.
Journal of the Geological Society
Langford, Harold and Boreham, S. and Briant, Rebecca M. and Coope, G.R. and Horne, D. and Penkman, K.E.H. and Schreve, D. and Whitehouse, N. and Whittaker, J. (2017) Evidence for the early onset of the Ipswichian thermal optimum: palaeoecology of last interglacial deposits at Whittlesey, eastern England. Journal of the Geological Society 174 (6), pp. 988-1003. ISSN 0016-7649.
Proceedings of the Geologists Association
Briant, Rebecca M. and Bates, M.R. and Boreham, S. and Cameron, N.G. and Coope, G.R. and Field, M.H. and Hatch, B.M. and Holmes, J.A. and Keen, D.H. and Kilfeather, A.A. and Penkman, K.E.H. and Simons, R.M.J. and Schwenninger, J.-L. and Wenban-Smith, F.F. and Whitehouse, N.J. and Whittaker, J.E. (2018) Early Ipswichian (last interglacial) sea level rise in the Channel region: stone point site of special scientific interest, Hampshire, England. Proceedings of the Geologists Association , ISSN 0016-7878.
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association
Langford, H.E. and Bateman, M.D. and Penkman, K.E.H. and Boreham, S. and Briant, Rebecca M. and Coope, G.R. and Keen, D.H. (2007) Age-estimate evidence for Middle-Late Pleistocene aggradation of River Nene 1st Terrace deposits at Whittlesey, eastern England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 118 (3), pp. 238-300. ISSN 0016-7878.
Quaternary International
Langford, Harry and Boreham, S. and Briant, Rebecca M. and Coope, G.R. and Horne, D.J. and Schreve, D.C. and Whittaker, J.E. and Whitehouse, N.J. (2014) Middle to late Pleistocene palaeoecological reconstructions and palaeotemperature estimates for cold/cool stage deposits at Whittlesey, eastern England. Quaternary International 341 , pp. 6-26. ISSN 1040-6182.
Quaternary Newsletter
Briant, Rebecca M. and Bates, M.R. and Boreham, S. and Wenban-Smith, F.F. and Whittaker, J. (2006) Re-investigation of interglacial sediments at Stone Point, Lepe Country Park, Hampshire. Quaternary Newsletter 108 , pp. 43-51. ISSN 0143-2826.
Sedimentary Geology
Gao, C. and Boreham, S. and Gibbard, P.L. and Preece, R.C. and Briant, Rebecca M. (2007) Fluvial response to rapid climate change during the Devensian (Weichselian) Lateglacial in the River Great Ouse, southern England, UK. Sedimentary Geology 202 (1-2), pp. 193-210. ISSN 0037-0738.