Browse by Person

October 2005
Brady, Sean (2005) Masculinity and male homosexuality in Britain, 1861-1913. Basingstoke, Hants.: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781403947130.
Brady, Sean (2006) Book review: all about Eve? queer theory and history. [Book Review]
Brady, Sean (2008) Masculinity and the question of male homosexuality in late nineteenth and early twentieth-century Britain. Gender History (Japan) 4 , pp. 69-86.
February 2009
Brady, Sean (2009) Masculinity and the construction of male homosexuality in modern Britain before the first world war. In: Ellis, H. and Meyer, J. (eds.) Masculinity and the Other: Historical Perspectives. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 115-137. ISBN 9781443801515.
14 June 2011
Cook, Matt (2011) Homes fit for homos: Joe Orton, masculinity, and the domesticated queer. In: Arnold, John H. and Brady, Sean (eds.) What is Masculinity? Historical Dynamics from Antiquity to the Contemporary World. Genders and Sexualities in History. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230278134.
Arnold, John H. and Brady, Sean, eds. (2011) What is masculinity: historical dynamics from antiquity to the contemporary world. Transformations of the State. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230278134.
1 March 2012
Brady, Sean (2012) Homosexuality: European and colonial encounters. In: Beccalossi, C. and Crozier, I. (eds.) A Cultural History of Sexuality in the Age of Empire. The Cultural Histories Series 5. Oxford, UK: Berg Publishers, pp. 43-62. ISBN 9781847888044.
31 May 2012
Brady, Sean (2012) John Addington Symonds (1840-1893) and Homosexuality: A Critical Edition of Sources. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230517394.
January 2013
Brady, Sean (2013) Mark McCormack, "The Declining Significance of Homophobia: How Teenage Boys are Redefining Masculinity and Heterosexuality". Sexualities 16 (1-2), pp. 236-237. ISSN 1363-4607.
27 September 2013
Brady, Sean (2013) Why examine men, masculinities and religion in Northern Ireland? In: Delap, L. and Morgan, S. (eds.) Men, Masculinities and Religious Change in Twentieth Century Britain. Genders and Sexualities in History. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 218-251. ISBN 9781137281746.
March 2015
Brady, Sean (2015) John Addington Symonds, Horatio Brown and Venice: friendship, gondoliers and homosexuality. In: Babini, V.P. and Beccalossi, C. and Riall, L. (eds.) Italian Sexualities Uncovered, 1789-1914. Genders and Sexualities in History. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 207-227. ISBN 9781137396976.
22 August 2016
Brady, Sean (2016) Clothing and Poverty in Nineteenth-century England. [Book Review]
November 2016
Brady, Sean (2016) Dominic Janes, Picturing the Closet: Male Secrecy and Homosexual Visibility in Britain. [Book Review]
Brady, Sean (2018) "Save Ulster from Sodomy!" Homosexuality in Northern Ireland after 1967. Cultural and Social History , ISSN 1478-0038. (Submitted)
3 November 2022
Brady, Sean (2022) Sectarianism and queer lives in Northern Ireland since the 1970s. In: Cook, Matt and Bengry, J. and Oram, A. (eds.) Locating Queer Histories: Places and Traces Across the UK. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 49-62. ISBN 9781350143722.