Browse by Person

12 April 2018
Bulgarelli, Chiara and Blasi, Anna and Arridge, Simon and Powell, S. and de Klerk, Carina C.J.M. and Southgate, Victoria and Brigadoi, S. and Penny, W. and Tak, S. and Hamilton, A. (2018) Dynamic causal modelling on infant fNIRS data: A validation study on a simultaneously recorded fNIRS-fMRI dataset. NeuroImage 175 , pp. 413-424. ISSN 1053-8119.
28 February 2019
Bulgarelli, Chiara (2019) Investigating emerging self-awareness : its neural underpinnings, the significance of self-recognition, and the relationship with social interactions. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
22 June 2019
Bulgarelli, Chiara and Blasi Ribera, Anna and de Klerk, Carina C.J.M. and Richards, J.E. and Hamilton, A. and Southgate, Victoria (2019) Fronto-temporoparietal connectivity and self-awareness in 18-month-olds: a resting state fNIRS study. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 38 , p. 100676. ISSN 1878-9293.
August 2020
de Klerk, Carina and Albiston, H. and Bulgarelli, Chiara and Southgate, Victoria and Hamilton, A. (2020) Observing third-party ostracism enhances facial mimicry in 30-month-olds. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 196 , p. 104862. ISSN 0022-0965.