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November 2017
Thomas, N. and Cremonese, G. and Ziethe, R. and Gerber, M. and Brändli, M. and Bruno, G. and Erismann, M. and Gambicorti, L. and Gerber, T. and Ghose, K. and Gruber, M. and Gubler, P. and Mischler, H. and Jost, J. and Piazza, D. and Pommerol, A. and Rieder, M. and Roloff, V. and Servonet, A. and Trottmann, W. and Uthaicharoenpong, T. and Zimmermann, C. and Vernani, D. and Johnson, M. and Pelò, E. and Weigel, T. and Viertl, J. and De Roux, N. and Lochmatter, P. and Sutter, G. and Casciello, A. and Hausner, T. and Ficai Veltroni, I. and Da Deppo, V. and Orleanski, P. and Nowosielski, W. and Zawistowski, T. and Szalai, S. and Sodor, B. and Tulyakov, S. and Troznai, G. and Banaskiewicz, M. and Bridges, J.C. and Byrne, S. and Debei, S. and El-Maarry, Mohamed Ramy and Hauber, E. and Hansen, C.J. and Ivanov, A. and Keszthelyi, L. and Kirk, R. and Kuzmin, R. and Mangold, N. and Marinangeli, L. and Markiewicz, W.J. and Massironi, M. and McEwen, A.S. and Okubo, C. and Tornabene, L.L. and Wajer, P. and Wray, J.J. (2017) The colour and stereo surface imaging system (CaSSIS) for the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. Space Science Reviews 212 (3-4), pp. 1897-1944. ISSN 0038-6308.
13 December 2017
Tornabene, L.L. and Seelos, F.P. and Pommerol, A. and Thomas, N. and Caudill, C.M. and Becerra, P. and Bridges, J.C. and Byrne, S. and Cardinale, M. and Chojnacki, M. and Conway, S.J. and Cremonese, G. and Dundas, C.M. and El-Maarry, Mohamed Ramy and Fernando, J. and Hansen, C. J. and Hansen, K. and Harrison, T.N. and Henson, R. and Marinangeli, L. and McEwen, A.S. and Pajola, M. and Sutton, S.S. and Wray, J. J. (2017) Image Simulation and Assessment of the Colour and Spatial Capabilities of the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. Space Science Reviews 214 (1), ISSN 0038-6308.