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Clucas, Stephen and Raylor, T. (2021) Progress report on the Clarendon Edition of “De corpore” and Related Manuscripts. Hobbes Studies 34 (1), pp. 86-97. ISSN 0921-5891.
Clucas, Stephen and Raylor, T.J. (2020) Kenelm Digby’s two treatises and the reception of the Galilean science of motion. Galileana: Journal of Galilean Studies 17 , pp. 91-116. ISSN 1825-3903.
Clucas, Stephen (2020) “The curious ways to observe weight in Water”: Thomas Harriot and his experiments on specific gravity. Early Science and Medicine 25 (4), pp. 302-327. ISSN 1383-7427 Online.
Clucas, Stephen (2017) The royal typographer and the alchemist: John Dee, Willem Silvius, and the diagrammatic alchemy of the Monas Hieroglyphica. Ambix 64 (2), pp. 140-156. ISSN ISSN: 1745-8234 (Online).
Clucas, Stephen (2017) An early European critic of Hobbes's De Corpore. Hobbes Studies 30 (1), pp. 4-27. ISSN 0921-5891.
Clucas, Stephen (2012) ‘This paradoxall Restitution Iudaicall’: the apocalyptic correspondence of John Dee and Roger Edwardes. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (3), pp. 509-518. ISSN 0039-3681.
Clucas, Stephen (2011) Margaret Cavendish's materialist critique of van Helmontian chymistry. Ambix 58 (1), pp. 1-12. ISSN 0002-6980.
Clucas, Stephen (2010) Pythagorean number symbolism, alchemy, and the disciplina noua of John Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica. Aries 10 (2), pp. 149-167. ISSN 1567-9896.
Clucas, Stephen (2008) Galileo, Bruno and the rhetoric of dialogue in seventeenth-century natural philosophy. History of Science 46 (4), pp. 405-429. ISSN 0073-2753.
Book Review
Clucas, Stephen (2021) Playing with (experimental) fire. [Book Review]
Clucas, Stephen (2017) Introduction: John Dee, Alchemy, and Print Culture. [Editorial/Introduction]
Clucas, Stephen (2017) John Dee, alchemy, and print culture. [Editorial/Introduction]
Book Section
Clucas, Stephen (2022) Thomas Harriot in the Twenty-First Century: 25 years of the Harriot Lecture. In: Fox, R. (ed.) Thomas Harriot: Science and Discovery in the English Renaissance. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 50-71. ISBN 9780367561376.
Clucas, Stephen (2022) Atomism, mechanism, and chymistry in the natural philosophy of Walter Warner. In: Lüthy, C. and Nicoli, E. (eds.) Atoms, Corpuscles and Minima in the Renaissance. Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy and Science 36. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. ISBN 9789004528918.
Clucas, Stephen (2022) Margaret Cavendish and the rhetoric and aesthetics of the microscopic image in Seventeenth-Century England. In: Walters, L. and Siegfried, B. (eds.) Margaret Cavendish: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 51-68. ISBN 9781108780780.
Clucas, Stephen (2022) Astrology, natural magic, and the scientific revolution. In: Miller, D.M. and Jalobeanu, Dana (eds.) The Cambridge History of Philosophy of the Scientific Revolution. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 167-183. ISBN 9781108333108.
Clucas, Stephen (2016) ‘Italian Renaissance Love Theory and the General Scholar in the Seventeenth Century’. In: Muratori, C. and Paganini, G. (eds.) Early Modern Philosophers and the Renaissance Legacy. International Archives of the History of Ideas 220. Dordrecht, Germany: Springer, pp. 41-57. ISBN 9783319326023.
Clucas, Stephen (2015) Memory in the Renaissance and Early Modern period. In: Nikulin, D. (ed.) Memory: A History. Oxford Philosophical Concepts. New York, U.S.: Oxford University Press, pp. 131-175. ISBN 9780199793839.
Clucas, Stephen (2015) Exorcism, conjuration and the historiography of early modern ritual magic. In: Schneider, S. (ed.) Aisthetics of the Spirits: Spirits in Early Modern Science, Religion, Literature and Music. epiFaNIen - Frühe Neuzeit interdisziplinär, 1. Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, V&R Unipress, pp. 261-285. ISBN 9783847104230.
Clucas, Stephen (2014) '"A double Perception in All Creatures": Margaret Cavendish's philosophical letters and Seventeenth-Century natural philosophy. In: Siegfried, B.R. and Sarasohn, L.T. (eds.) God and Nature in the Thought of Margaret Cavendish. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, pp. 121-139. ISBN 97814722439611.
Clucas, Stephen (2011) John Dee’s annotations to Ficino’s translation of Plato. In: Clucas, Stephen and Forshaw, P.J. and Rees, V. (eds.) Laus Platonici Philosophi: Marsilio Ficino and His Influence. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 198. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, pp. 227-248. ISBN 9789004188976.
Clucas, Stephen (2010) ‘All the mistery of infinites’: mathematics and the atomism of Thomas Harriot. In: Rommevaux, S. (ed.) Mathématiques et connaissance du monde réel avant Galilée. Collection Histoire des savoirs. Montreuil, France: Edition Omniscience, pp. 113-154. ISBN 9782916097268.
Clucas, Stephen (2010) Samuel Hartlib, intelligencing and technology in Seventeenth Century Europe. In: Kretzschmar, R. and Lorenz, S. (eds.) Leonardo da Vinci und Heinrich Schickhardt : zum Transfer technischen Wissens im vormodernen Europa. Stuttgart, Germany: W. Kohlhammer, pp. 58-75. ISBN 9783170217485.
Clucas, Stephen (2010) Scientia and inductio scientifica in the Logica Hamburgensis of Joachim Jungius. In: Sorell, T. and Kraye, J. and Rogers, G.A.J. (eds.) Scientia in Early Modern Philosophy: Seventeenth-Century Thinkers on Demonstrative Knowledge from First Principles. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 24. New York, U.S.: Springer, pp. 53-70. ISBN 9789048130764.
Clucas, Stephen (2009) Epilogue. In: Marr, A. (ed.) The Worlds of Oronce Fine: Mathematics, Instruments, and Print in Renaissance France. Donington, UK: Shaun Tyas, pp. 206-212. ISBN 9781900289962.
Clucas, Stephen (2009) Thomas Harriot’s brief and true report: knowledge-making and the Roanoke voyage. In: Sloan, K. (ed.) European Visions: American Voices. Oxford, UK: British Museum Press, pp. 17-23. ISBN 9780861591725.
Clucas, Stephen (2008) Cornelius Gemma and universal method. In: Hirai, H. (ed.) Cornelius Gemma, Cosmology, Medicine and Natural Philosophy in Renaissance Louvain. Bruniana & campanelliana 10. Pisa. Italy: Fabrizio Serra, pp. 113-128. ISBN 9788862271189.
Clucas, Stephen (2007) Dreams, prophecies and politics: John Dee and the Elizabethan court, 1575-85. In: Wiseman, Susan J. and Hodgkin, K. and O'Callaghan, M. (eds.) Reading the Early Modern Dream: The Terrors of the Night. Routledge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 67-80. ISBN 9780415386012.
Clucas, Stephen (2007) Alchemy and certainty in the Seventeenth Century. In: Principe, L.M. (ed.) Chymists and Chymistry: Studies in the History of Alchemy and Early Modern Chemistry. Sagamore Beach, U.S.: Science History Publications USA, pp. 39-52. ISBN 9780881353969.
Clucas, Stephen (2006) John Dee’s angelic conversations and the Ars notoria: Renaissance magic and mediaeval theurgy. In: Clucas, Stephen (ed.) John Dee: Interdisciplinary Studies in English Renaissance Thought. International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées 193. New York, U.S.: Springer, pp. 231-274. ISBN 9781402042454.
Clucas, Stephen (2011) Magic, Memory and Natural Philosophy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Variorum Collected Studies Series CS973. Farnham, UK: Ashgate. ISBN 9781409419754.
Clucas, Stephen and Forshaw, P.J. and Rees, V., eds. (2011) Laus Platonici Philosophi: Marsilio Ficino and his influence. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 198. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. ISBN 9789004188976.
Clucas, Stephen, ed. (2006) John Dee: Interdisciplinary Studies in English Renaissance Thought. International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées 193. New York, U.S.: Springer. ISBN 9781402042454.
Clucas, Stephen, ed. (2003) A Princely Brave Woman: Essays on Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle. Farnham, UK: Ashgate. ISBN 9780754604640.
Clucas, Stephen and Davies, R., eds. (2003) The crisis of 1614 and the addled parliament: literary and historical perspectives. Farnham, UK: Ashgate. ISBN 0754606813.
Northumberland, H.P. (2002) The Wizard Earl’s advices to his son: a facsimile and transcript from the manuscripts of Henry Percy, ninth earl of Northumberland at Petworth House. Arundel, UK: The Roxeburghe Club.
Rossi, P. (2001) (Translation) - Logic and the art of memory: the quest for a universal language. London, UK: The Athlone Press. ISBN 9780485114683.
Clucas, Stephen (2000) 'Logic and the Art of Memory: The Quest for a Universal Language', Paolo Rossi. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA.