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Asibong, Andrew (2010) Haitian bride of Frankenstein: disintegrating beauty, monstrousness and 'race' in Jacques Stephen Alexis's 'Chronique d'un faux-amour'. In: Damle, A. and l'Hostis, A. (eds.) The Beautiful and the Monstrous Essays in French Literature, Thought and Culture. Modern French Identities 87. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang. ISBN 9783039119004.
Asibong, Andrew (2010) Haitian bride of Frankenstein: disintegrating beauty, monstrousness and ‘race’ in Jacques Stephen Alexis’s ‘chronique d’un faux-amour'. In: Damle, A. and L’Hostis, A. (eds.) The Beautiful and the Monstrous. Modern French Identities 87. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang. ISBN 9783039119004.