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Gubbels, M.-J. and Zeeshan, M. and Shilliday, F. and Liu, T. and Abel, S. and Mourier, T. and Ferguson, D.J.P. and Rea, E. and Stanway, R.R. and Roques, M. and Williams, D. and Daniel, E. and Brady, D. and Roberts, A.J. and Holder, A.A. and Pain, A. and Le Roch, K.G. and Moores, Carolyn A. and Tewari, R. (2019) Plasmodium kinesin-8X associates with mitotic spindles and is essential for oocyst development during parasite proliferation and transmission. PLoS Pathogens 15 (10), e1008048. ISSN 1553-7374.
Zeeshan, M. and Ferguson, D.J.P. and Abel, S. and Burrrell, A. and Rea, E. and Brady, D. and Daniel, E. and Delves, M. and Vaughan, S. and Holder, A.A. and Le Roch, K.G. and Moores, Carolyn A. and Tewari, R. (2019) Kinesin-8B controls basal body function and flagellum formation and is key to malaria transmission. Life Science Alliance 2 (4), e201900488. ISSN 2575-1077.
Daniel, E. and Di Domenico, M. and Nunan, Daniel (2018) Virtual mobility and the lonely cloud: theorizing the mobility-isolation paradox for self-employed knowledge-workers in the online home-based business context. Journal of Management Studies 55 (1), pp. 174-203. ISSN 0022-2380.
Di Domenico, M. and Daniel, E. and Nunan, Daniel (2014) ‘Mental mobility’ in the digital age: entrepreneurs and the online home-based business. New Technology, Work and Employment 29 (3), pp. 266-281. ISSN 0268-1072.