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Durand, E. and Waksman, Gabriel and Receveur-Brechot, V. (2011) Structural insights into the membrane-extracted dimeric form of the ATPase TraB from the Escherichia coli pKM101 conjugation system. BMC Structural Biology 11 (4), ISSN 1472-6807.
Durand, E. and Oomen, C. and Waksman, Gabriel (2010) Biochemical dissection of the ATPase TraB, the VirB4 homologue of the Escherichia coli pKM101 conjugation machinery. Journal of Bacteriology 192 (9), pp. 2315-2323. ISSN 0021-9193.
Durand, E. and Verger, Denis and Rego, A.T. and Chandran, Vidya and Meng, G.Y. and Fronzes, Remi and Waksman, Gabriel (2009) Structural biology of bacterial secretion systems in gram-negative pathogens--potential for new drug targets. Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets 9 (5), pp. 518-847. ISSN 1871-5265.