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Edgington, Dorothy (2011) Causation first: why causation is prior to counterfactuals. In: Hoerl, C. and McCormack, T. and Beck, S.R. (eds.) Understanding Counterfactuals, Understanding Causation Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. Consciousness & Self-Consciousness. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199695133.
Edgington, Dorothy (2006) Counterfactuals and the benefit of hindsight. In: Dowe, P. and Noorhof, P. (eds.) Chance and Cause. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 12-27. ISBN 9780415408486.
Edgington, Dorothy (2005) Ramsey's legacies on conditionals and truth. In: Lillehammer, H. and Mellor, D.H. (eds.) Ramsey's Legacy. Mind Association Occasional Series. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 37-52. ISBN 9780199279555.
Edgington, Dorothy (2001) Indeterminacy de re. Philosophical Topics 28 (1), pp. 27-44. ISSN 0276-2080.
Edgington, Dorothy (1997) Vagueness by degrees. In: Kenney, R. (ed.) Vagueness: A Reader. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: MIT Press, pp. 617-630. ISBN 9780262112253.
Edgington, Dorothy (1995) On conditionals. Mind 104 (414), pp. 235-329. ISSN 0026-4423.