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19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century
Feldman, David (2011) Jews in the East End, Jews in the polity, ‘The Jew’ in the text. 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century (13), ISSN 1755-1560.
American Historical Review
Feldman, David (2018) Towards a history of the term anti-Semitism. American Historical Review 123 (4), pp. 1139-1150. ISSN 0002-8762.
East European Jewish Affairs
Feldman, David (2017) Mr. Lewinstein goes to Parliament: rethinking the history and historiography of Jewish immigration. East European Jewish Affairs 47 (2-3), pp. 134-149. ISSN 1350-1674.
Feldman, David and Mcgeever, Brendan (2018) Corbyn’s Labour, British Jews and anti-Semitism: will peace now break out? Haaretz ,
History Workshop Journal
Feldman, David (2013) Conceiving difference: religion, race and the Jews in Britain, c.1750-1900. History Workshop Journal , ISSN 1363-3554.
Feldman, David (2007) Jews and the British Empire c.1900. History Workshop Journal 63 (1), pp. 70-89. ISSN 1363-3554.
Feldman, David and Mcgeever, Brendan (2018) Labour and antisemitism: what went wrong and what is to be done? Independent , ISSN 0951-9467.
Jewish Historical Studies
Feldman, David (2015) Evangelicals, Jews and anti-Catholicism in Britain, c.1840-1900. Jewish Historical Studies 47 (1), pp. 91-104. ISSN 0962-9696.
Le mouvement sociale
Feldman, David (1999) L'immigration, les immigrés et l’Etat en Grande-Bretagne aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Le mouvement sociale , pp. 43-60.
McGeever, Brendan and Gidley, Ben and Feldman, David (2020) Gauging antisemitism in Labour. RACE.ED ,
The Guardian
Feldman, David and Gidley, Ben and Mcgeever, Brendan (2020) The EHRC report shows how difficult building real anti-racist politics will be. The Guardian , ISSN 0261-3077.
The Political Quarterly
Gidley, Ben and McGeever, Brendan Francis and Feldman, David (2020) Labour and Antisemitism: a crisis misunderstood. The Political Quarterly 91 (2), pp. 413-421. ISSN 0032-3179.
Feldman, David (2014) Talking the talk: immigration policy since 1962. The Political Quarterly 85 (3), pp. 348-350. ISSN 0032-3179.
The Political Quarterly Blog
Feldman, David and Gidley, Ben and Mcgeever, Brendan (2020) The Labour Party and antisemitism: a crisis misunderstood. The Political Quarterly Blog ,
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
Feldman, David (2003) Migrants, immigrants and welfare from the Old Poor Law to the Welfare State. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 13 , pp. 79-104. ISSN 0080-4401.
Feldman, David (2020) Antisemitism and Islamophobia. Zion , ISSN 0044-4758.