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    Number of items: 25.


    Goodson, Caroline (2014) Archaeology and the cult of saints in the early middle ages: accessing the sacred. Melanges de l'Ecole francaise de Rome 126 (1), ISSN 0223-5110.

    Arnold, John H. and Goodson, Caroline (2012) Resounding community: the history and meaning of medieval church bells. Viator 43 (1), pp. 99-130. ISSN 0083-5897.

    Fentress, E. and Goodson, Caroline (2012) Villamagna (FR): l'eredità di una villa imperiale in epoca bizantina e medievale. Archeologia Medievale XXXIX , pp. 57-86. ISSN 2039-280X.

    Goodson, Caroline and Nelson, J.L. (2010) Review article: The Roman contexts of the ‘Donation of Constantine’. Early Medieval Europe 18 (4), pp. 446-467. ISSN 0963-9462.

    Goodson, Caroline (2007) Material memory: rebuilding the basilica of S. Cecilia in Trastevere, Rome. Early Medieval Europe 15 (1), pp. 2-34. ISSN 0963-9462.

    Goodson, Caroline and Fentress, E. and Laird, P. and Leone, S. (2005) Walls and memory: the Abbey of San Sebastiano, Alatri (Lazio) from late Roman monastery to renaissance villa and beyond. Disciplina Monastica 2 ,

    Book Section

    Fentress, E. and Goodson, Caroline (2019) Structures of power: from imperial villa to monastic estate at Villamagna (Italy). In: Reynolds, A. and Carroll, J. and Yorke, B. (eds.) Power and Place in Europe in the Early Middle Ages. Proceedings of the British Academy 224. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780197266588.

    Goodson, Caroline (2018) Garden cities in Medieval Italy. In: Balzaretti, R. and Barrow, J. and Skinner, P. (eds.) Italy and Medieval Europe: Papers for Chris Wickham. The Past and Present Book Series. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198777601.

    Goodson, Caroline (2018) Structures and social order in a medieval Italian monastery and village: architecture and experience in Villamagna. In: Thomas, E. and Campbell, J. (eds.) Buildings in Society: International Studies in the Historic Era. Archaeopress, pp. 51-62. ISBN 9781784918316.

    Goodson, Caroline (2017) Topographies of power in Aghlabid-era Kairouan. In: Anderson, G.D. and Fenwick, C. and Rosser-Owen, M. (eds.) The Aghlabids and their Neighbors: Art and Material Culture in Ninth-Century North Africa. Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East 122. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. ISBN 9789004355668.

    Goodson, Caroline (2017) Christograms on North African Lamps: considering context. In: Garipzanov, I. and Goodson, Caroline and Maguire, H. (eds.) Graphic Signs of Identity, Faith, and Power in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. ISBN 9782503567242.

    Goodson, Caroline (2017) Villamagna in the Middle Ages. In: Goodson, Caroline and Fentress, E. and Maiuro, M. (eds.) Villa Magna: An Imperial Estate and its Legacies: Excavations 2006–10. Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 22. Rome, Italy: British School at Rome/Oxbow Books, pp. 410-420. ISBN 9780904152746.

    Goodson, Caroline (2015) To be the daughter of Saint Peter: S. Petronilla and forging the Franco-Papal Alliance. In: West-Harling, V. (ed.) Three Empires, Three Cities: Identity, Material Culture and Legitimacy in Venice, Ravenna and Rome, 750-1000. Seminari del Centro interuniversitario per la storia e l’archeologia dell’alto medioevo (SCISAM 6). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, pp. 159-184. ISBN 9782503562285.

    Goodson, Caroline (2011) Roman archaeology in Medieval Rome. In: Caldwell, Dorigen and Caldwell, L. (eds.) Rome: Continuing Encounters Between Past and Present. Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 17-34. ISBN 9781409417620.

    Goodson, Caroline and Lester, A. and Symes, C. (2010) Introduction. In: Goodson, Caroline and Lester, A. and Symes, C. (eds.) Cities, Texts and Social Networks, 400–1500 Experiences and Perceptions of Medieval Urban Space. Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9780754667230.

    Goodson, Caroline (2008) Building for bodies: the architecture of saint veneration in early medieval Rome. In: Ó'Carragáin, É. and Neuman de Vegvar, C. (eds.) Roma felix: formation and reflections of medieval Rome. Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 51-80. ISBN 9780754660965.

    Goodson, Caroline (2008) La cripta anulare di San Vincenzo Maggiore nel contesto dell’architettura di epoca carolingia. In: de Rubeis, Flavia and Marazzi, Federico (eds.) Monasteri in Europa occidentale (secoli VIII-XI): topografia e strutture. I libri di Viella. Arte. Rome, Italy: Viella libreria editrice. ISBN 9788883342905.

    Goodson, Caroline (2005) Revival and reality: the Carolingian Renaissance in Rome and the case of S. Prassede. In: Sande, Siri and Hodne, Lasse (eds.) Continuatio et renovatio. Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia 20 6. Rome, Italy: Institutum Romanum Norvegiae (Det norske institutt i Roma), pp. 163-192. ISBN 9788888620381.

    Goodson, Caroline (2005) The relic translations of Paschal I (817–824): transforming city and cult. In: Hopkins, A. and Wyke, M. (eds.) Roman Bodies: Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century. Rome, Italy: British School at Rome, pp. 123-141. ISBN 9780904152449.

    Goodson, Caroline (2003) L'architettura e l'arredo liturgico della diaconia di S. Maria in Domnica. In: Englen, A. (ed.) Caelius I: Santa Maria in Domnica, San Tommaso in Formis e il Clivus Scauri. Palinsesti Romani, 1. Rome, Italy: L’Erma di Bretschneider, pp. 205-218. ISBN 9788882652296.

    Goodson, Caroline (2003) L’architettura e l’arredo liturgico della diaconia di Pasquale I. In: Englen, A. (ed.) Caelius I: Santa Maria in Domnica, San Tommaso in Formis e il Clivus Scauri. Palinsesti Romani 1. Rome, Italy: L'erma di Bretschneider, pp. 205-218. ISBN 9788882652296.


    Garipzanov, I.H. and Goodson, Caroline and Maguire, H., eds. (2017) Graphic signs of identity, faith, and power in late antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. ISBN 9782503567242.

    Goodson, Caroline and Fentress, E. and Maiuro, M., eds. (2017) Villa Magna: an imperial estate and its legacies: excavations 2006–10. Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 22. Rome, Italy: British School at Rome. ISBN 9780904152746.

    Goodson, Caroline (2010) The Rome of Pope Paschal I: Papal power, urban renovation, Church rebuilding and relic translation, 817–824. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series 77. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521768191.

    Goodson, Caroline and Lester, A.E. and Symes, C. (2010) Cities, texts and social networks, 400–1500: experiences and perceptions of Medieval urban space. Farnham, UK: Ashgate. ISBN 9780754667230.

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