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Radice, Rosalba and Ramsahai, R. and Grieve, R. and Kreif, N. and Sadique, Z. and Sekhon, J.S. (2012) Evaluating treatment effectiveness in patient subgroups: a comparison of propensity score methods with an automated matching approach. International Journal of Biostatistics 8 (1), ISSN 1557-4679.
Kreif, N. and Grieve, R. and Radice, Rosalba and Ramsahai, R. and Sadique, Z. and Sekhon, J.S. (2012) Methods for estimating subgroup effects in cost-effectiveness analyses that use observational data. Medical Decision Making 32 (6), pp. 750-763. ISSN 0272-989X.
15 December 2012
Moores, J. and Francis, R. and Mader, M.M. and Osinski, G.R. and Barfoot, T. and Barry, N. and Basic, G. and Battler, M. and Beauchamp, M. and Blain, S. and Bondy, M. and Capitan, R. and Chanou, A. and Clayton, J. and Cloutis, E. and Daly, M. and Dickinson, C. and Dong, H. and Flemming, R. and Furgale, P. and Gammel, J. and Gharfoor, N. and Hussein, M. and Grieve, R. and Henrys, H. and Jaziobedski, P. and Lambert, A. and Leung, K. and Marion, C. and McCullough, E. and McManus, C. and Neish, C. and Ng, H. and Ozaruk, A. and Pickersgill, A. and Preston, Louisa and Redman, D. and Sapers, H. and Shankar, B. and Singleton, A. and Souders, K. and Stenning, B. and Stooke, P. and Sylvester, P. and Tornabene, L. (2012) A mission control architecture for robotic lunar sample return as field tested in an analogue deployment to the sudbury impact structure. Advances in Space Research 50 (12), pp. 1666-1686. ISSN 0273-1177.
December 2013
Kreif, N. and Grieve, R. and Radice, Rosalba and Sekhon, J.S. (2013) Regression-adjusted matching and double-robust methods for estimating average treatment effects. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology 13 (2-4), pp. 174-202. ISSN 1387-3741.
October 2016
Kreif, N. and Gruber, S. and Radice, Rosalba and Grieve, R. and Sekhon, J.S. (2016) Evaluating treatment effectiveness under model misspecification: a comparison of targeted maximum likelihood estimation with bias-corrected matching. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 25 (5), pp. 2315-2336. ISSN 0962-2802.