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Grubert, A. and Wang, Z. and Jiminez, M. and Remington, R. and Eimer, Martin (2024) The capacity limitations of multiple-template visual search during task preparation and target selection. Psychophysiology , ISSN 0048-5772.
Grubert, A. and Wang, Z. and Eimer, Martin (2024) Target switch costs in visual search arise during the preparatory activation of target templates. Psychophysiology , ISSN 0048-5772.
Jenkins, Michael and Grubert, A. and Eimer, Martin (2017) The speed of voluntary and priority-driven shifts of visual attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 44 (1), pp. 27-37. ISSN 0096-1523.
Lagroix, H.E.P. and Grubert, A. and Spalek, T.M. and Di Lollo, V. and Eimer, Martin (2015) Visual search is postponed during the period of the AB: an event-related potential study. Psychophysiology , ISSN 1469-8986.
Eimer, Martin and Grubert, A. (2014) Spatial attention can be allocated rapidly and in parallel to new visual objects. Current Biology 24 (2), pp. 193-198. ISSN 0960-9822.
Krummenacher, J. and Grubert, A. and Tollner, T. and Muller, Hermann J. (2014) Salience-based integration of redundant signals in visual pop-out search: evidence from behavioral and electrophysiological measures. Journal of Vision 14 (3), p. 26. ISSN 1534-7362.
Kiss, Monika and Grubert, A. and Eimer, Martin (2013) Top-down task sets for combined features: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence for two stages in attentional object selection. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 75 (2), pp. 216-228. ISSN 1943-3921.
Kiss, Monika and Grubert, A. and Petersen, A. and Eimer, Martin (2012) Attentional capture by salient distractors during visual search is determined by temporal task demands. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 24 (3), pp. 749-759. ISSN 0898-929X.
Grubert, A. and Krummenacher, J. and Eimer, Martin (2011) Redundancy gains in pop-out visual search are determined by top-down task set: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Journal of Vision 11 (14), ISSN 1534-7362.
Krummenacher, J. and Grubert, A. and Muller, Hermann J. (2010) Inter-trial and redundant-signals effects in visual search and discrimination tasks: separable pre-attentive and post-selective effects. Vision Research 50 (14), pp. 1382-1395. ISSN 0042-6989.