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Geophysical Research Letters
Lamy, L. and Schippers, P. and Zarka, P. and Cecconi, B. and Arridge, Chris S. and Dougherty, M.K. and Louarn, P. and André, N. and Kurth, W.S. and Mutel, R.L. and Gurnett, D.A. and Coates, Andrew J. (2010) Properties of Saturn kilometric radiation measured within its source region. Geophysical Research Letters 37 (12), ISSN 0094-8276.
Kopf, A.J. and Gurnett, D.A. and Menietti, J.D. and Schippers, P. and Arridge, Chris S. and Hospodarsky, G.B. and Kurth, W.S. and Grimald, S. and André, N. and Coates, Andrew J. and Dougherty, M.K. (2010) Electron beams as the source of whistler-mode auroral hiss at Saturn. Geophysical Research Letters 37 (9), ISSN 0094-8276.
Roussos, E. and Kollmann, P. and Krupp, N. and Paranicas, C.P. and Krimigis, S.M. and Mitchell, D.G. and Persoon, A.M. and Gurnett, D.A. and Kurth, W.S. and Kriegel, H. and Simon, S. and Khurana, K.K. and Jones, Geraint H. and Wahlund, J.-E. and Holmberg, M.K.G. (2012) Energetic electron observations of Rhea’s magnetospheric interaction. Icarus 221 (1), pp. 116-134. ISSN 0019-1035.
Journal of Geophysical Research
Schippers, P. and André, N. and Gurnett, D.A. and Lewis, Gethyn R. and Persoon, A.M. and Coates, Andrew J. (2012) Identification of electron field-aligned current systems in Saturn's magnetosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research 117 (A5), ISSN 0148-0227.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Jinks, S.L. and Bunce, E.J. and Cowley, S.W.H. and Provan, G. and Yeoman, T.K. and Arridge, Chris S. and Dougherty, M.K. and Gurnett, D.A. and Krupp, N. and Kurth, W.S. and Mitchell, D.G. and Morooka, M. and Wahlund, J.-E. (2014) Cassini multi-instrument assessment of Saturn's polar cap boundary. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 119 (10), pp. 8161-8177. ISSN 2169-9380.
Garnier, P. and Holmberg, M.K.G. and Wahlund, J.-E. and Lewis, G.R. and Grimald, S.R. and Thomsen, M.F. and Gurnett, D.A. and Coates, Andrew J. and Crary, F.J. and Dandouras, I. (2013) The influence of the secondary electrons induced by energetic electrons impacting the Cassini Langmuir probe at Saturn. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118 (11), pp. 7054-7073. ISSN 2169-9380.
Schippers, P. and Arridge, Chris S. and Menietti, J.D. and Gurnett, D.A. and Lamy, L. and Cecconi, B. and Mitchell, D.G. and Andre, N. and Kurth, W.S. and Grimald, S. and Dougherty, M.K. and Coates, Andrew J. and Krupp, N. and Young, D.T. (2011) Auroral electron distributions within and close to the Saturn kilometric radiation source region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 116 , ISSN 0148-0227.
Tao, X. and Thorne, R.M. and Horne, R.B. and Grimald, S. and Arridge, Chris S. and Hospodarsky, G.B. and Gurnett, D.A. and Coates, Andrew J. and Crary, F.J. (2010) Excitation of electron cyclotron harmonic waves in the inner Saturn magnetosphere within local plasma injections. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 115 , ISSN 0148-0227.
Planetary and Space Science
Garnier, P. and Holmberg, M.K.G. and Wahlund, J.-E. and Lewis, Gethyn R. and Schippers, P. and Coates, Andrew J. and Gurnett, D.A. and Waite, J.H. and Dandouras, I. (2014) Deriving the characteristics of warm electrons (100–500eV) in the magnetosphere of Saturn with the Cassini Langmuir probe. Planetary and Space Science 104B , pp. 173-184. ISSN 0032-0633.