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Number of items: 3.
European Journal of Operational Research
Hindle, G. and Kunc, M. and Mortenson, M. and Oztekin, A. and Vidgen, Richard (2019) Business analytics: defining the field and identifying a research agenda. [Editorial/Introduction]
Vidgen, Richard and Hindle, G. and Randolph, I. (2019) Exploring the ethical implications of business analytics with a business ethics canvas. European Journal of Operational Research 281 (3), pp. 491-501. ISSN 0377-2217.
Hindle, G. and Vidgen, Richard (2018) Developing a business analytics methodology: a case study in the foodbank sector. European Journal of Operational Research 268 (3), pp. 836-851. ISSN 0377-2217.