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March 2018
Braukmann, R. and Lloyd-Fox, Sarah and Blasi, Anna and Johnson, Mark H. and Bekkering, H. and Buitelaar, J.K. and Hunnius, S. (2018) Diminished socially selective neural processing in 5-month-old infants at high familial risk of autism. European Journal of Neuroscience 47 (6), pp. 720-728. ISSN 0953-816X.
November 2019
Jones, Emily J.H. and Mason, Luke and Begum Ali, J. and van den Boomen, C. and Braukmann, R. and Cauvet, E. and Demurie, E. and Hessels, R.S. and Ward, E.K. and Hunnius, S. and Bolte, S. and Tomalski, P. and Kemner, C. and Warreyn, P. and Roeyers, H. and Buitelaar, J. and Falck-Ytter, T. and Charman, T. and Johnson, Mark H. (2019) Eurosibs: towards robust measurement of infant neurocognitive predictors of Autism across Europe. Infant Behavior and Development 57 , p. 101316. ISSN 0163-6383.
16 June 2020
Braithwaite, Eleanor and Gui, Anna and Jones, Emily J.H. (2020) Social attention: what is it, how can we measure it, and what can it tell us about autism and ADHD? In: Hunnius, S. and Meyer, M. (eds.) New Perspectives on Early Social-cognitive Development. Progress in Brain Research 254. Elsevier, pp. 271-303.