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Costantini, S. and Otero, R.P. and Provetti, Alessandro and Cao Son, T. (2002) Disjunctive logic programs with inheritance revisited. In: Otero, R.P. and Hacid, M.-S. and Ras, Z.W. and Zighed, D.A. and Kodratoff, Y. (eds.) Foundations of Intelligent Systems, 13th International Symposium: ISMIS 2002. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2366. Springer, 294-294--302. ISBN 9783540437857.
Calì, Andrea and Calvanese, D. and De Giacomo, G. and Lenzerini, M. (2002) A formal framework for reasoning on UML class diagrams. In: Hacid, M.S. and Raś, Z.W. and Zighed, D.A. and Kodratoff, Y. (eds.) ISMIS 200: Foundations of Intelligent Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2366. Springer, pp. 503-513. ISBN 9783540437857.